
A tribute to a great man - M.A. Razaq

Arright people pay tributes to superstars and heroes and celebrities etc and for various reasons which could include their inspirational character, their work, their services to society etc. My tribute today is for the CEO/owner of my company. No this is no buttering attempt to get me a raise hhehe...I have his attention due to my contributions anyway, Alhumdulillah. This is more of how he made a difference in my life today.

Mr. M.A. Razaq is a man with a dream. An ex-employee of 28 years from General Motors, this man came to Pakistan to give something back to the country of his origin. Its as simple as that. I could go on and on about how he could have invested money anywhere but he came to Pakistan and etc etc but I wont. Its today that he made me realize so much about life and how to achieve content and pride in what you do.

Without going into details, yesterday was a mentally tiring and frustrating day. A day which brought low self-esteem and dissapointment. I had asked Allah to send some motivation to bring me back to life again, I needed it bad. Guess what? An AD-HOC meeting called by the CEO to address the whole company this morning.

I hadnt realized this was the answer to my motivation call from Allah until Mr. Razaq reminded everyone of the values of our company. Words like Integrity, Pride in your work, Respect, Discipline etc are the core values of our company. He brought me to a revision of so many things I believe in and I wanted to thank him for that.

Due to the nature of work and the environment we live in, any form of appreciation might just be taken as a buttering attempt and negative politics would step in. Hence I decided I blog about it. I dont think we have any bloggers in my office at least and even if they are, its my blog I can write what I want without any material benefits expected.

There is much more to this man than what it shows, its an honour to share his dream and be part of it. Nobody knows how much I live or how long I work for this company but Mr. M.A. Razaq, you have made a difference at a very crucial moment in my life. So thank you and may ALLAH bless you and grant you a fulfillment of your dream of a progressive Pakistan. You have played your part Sir, you surely have.


  1. i've heard a lot about ur boss too! from other people in the company :)

    so i wont take it as flattery. Its fun to work under such people.. is it not :)

  2. @mansoor - Absolutely, any day u feel search of inspiration, just knock on the door and talk to the man with an ambition even at this age...great guy...
