
Working hard or Hardly Working

Disclaimer - This post is not meant to make fun of English. If you are an English lover, read further at your own risk, you were forewarned. Do not take home anything other than a bit of fun from this and possibly a hidden message for the day. There is pun intended, wherever you notice it.

I was wondering this morning if there is an element of hard work involved in something, can it automatically be assumed that a hard working person would be able to do it? What if he ends up hardly working on it as it is not in his area of expertise which is where he worked so hard and got tagged as hard working? It can't surely be assumed that a hard-working person can work hard in any hard job.

Take for example, a hard working skilled labourer working hard in UK, can't end up leading a whole organization or for that matter even a specific department for an organization say for instance in UAE just on the basis of working hard as a labourer? Right? Or maybe he knows the English language in an appropriate accent and has the right colour of skin that is part of the job requirements. That could be a good enough reason to land up in that job. Maybe yes, maybe no.

What about a worker who hardly works in some job? Maybe that person isn't meant for it and hence can do a different and hard job better. Maybe he is in the wrong job currently.

What if the above 2 persons are competing for the same role? What should be the basis of selection? Past record would say, one is hard working but not suitable from the relevant experience basis. The other is a poor performer, hardly works, but is a perfect fit for this job from experience and knowledge basis. Who would you select?

The point is that there is no point. Okay there is a point, I could make one up on the go that a hard working person is hard working because he finds it worth his time and effort. There is sufficient motivation and incentive for him. A hardly working person can't be categorized as that as everybody can work hard as long as he can find the necessary motivation and the required incentive is established. So maybe, the reason this person is not a hard worker is that nobody tried to put that person in a place where he can work hard. He didn't find the right job. Maybe the hard-working person wouldnt be the same in a different job. It is important to have the right people in the right job if you want to see your organization or department do well. On a personal level, one should find the right job for oneself to be able to do well.

Are you in the right job? Do you find your current work, hard? Do you find hard work, hard? If your answer is yes, trust me it will not get better. It will become harder and harder until you reach a point when you are hardly working on it, spoiling your reputation and being tagged as hardly working. Switch before you reach that point. The world is always open for good people. Its more important to enjoy your work, that is the only way you will do well at it regardless of how hard it is.

Back with an Androidified Big Bang!

So I have been missing from action, like majorly. There has been amazingly out of control stuff that has been going on. I became a father again, got some manly presence in the house with a boy. The equation is a little balanced with 2 men and 3 women in the house now. The MBA program keeps me busy and well obviously work pressure goes with it.

However, leaving all of that aside, I got andrioidified. Got myself the Samsung GT-8000, also known as the. 10.1 galaxy note recently and this blogpost is being constructed from it. After using the iPad for a little while before my wife took it from me as a forced gift as a return for the new kid in the house, I am not really missing it too much. People complain about the android market not being comparable to the app store, well trust me, I didn't miss anything. You should know what you want to do with your device. I got all the necessary apps that I used on the iPad and considering thIs device comes with its own stylus (S Pen), Samsung has stepped into some interesting apps using this, most considerably the S Note. While character recognition is not too bad, I am loving the shape recognition more, especially at work where a lot of paper was used earlier to draw out ideas, maps, flow charts etc.I am hoping developers get to work using this add-on hardware as there is lots of scope. I could use an enhancement to mindjet mindmanager to effectively use the S Pen but not a showstopper right now in any case.

Good iPad replacement I would say, and if this post publishes in the way I expect it to be, I have signed it off. Hope to be posting more often, as always, thanks for still coming here, you have no idea what it means for me to still hold on to my readers.

Why can't I watch Justin Bieber?

As your children grow up, you can be asked some questions for which it is better to have prepared answers. Being prepared involves a lot of pre-thinking, scenario-building, imagining and problem-solving proactively. Its great if you have a partner-wife to help think through it.

One of the difficult questions was asked yesterday by my 6-year old, "Baba, why can't I watch Justin Bieber?"

So obviously, the question itself indicates that there had been a pre-episode to this where she wanted to watch Justin Bieber and was told that she can't. My wife and I had had that discussion so I knew I had to be prepared for an answer, was just waiting for the right time to communicate and hit the nail.

Principally, both me and my wife are not OK with youngsters following teen idols or for that matter any type of idols. We want to promote the thought of individuality and utilizing time for something more important and worthwhile. So if you are ok with your child not doing that, you can stop reading the post here.

So the first thing to do was let the younger daughter out of the room to clearly indicate that this was something very important that the elder sister (the 6-year old) is going to be part of. This set the stage for Baba to clearly set the situation that this is to be worth listening and applying. Small things, big psychological impact.

Believe it or not, your child is dying for advice. They really want to listen to you. So I knew I had her attention now. I started explaining the value of time. 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and time doesn't stop. She had this smart Alec response of if I take the cell out of the clock, that could stop time? Smart but disregarded very quickly. Sun goes up, goes down, moon cycle, nobody controls it. I am lucky I have a smart kid so its easy to have a logical answer to real stuff.

As we moved further and established the importance of time, we then spoke about how much time she has in the day to learn. She sleeps, eats, goes to school, prays and loves reading but doesn't have the time sometimes. She has to sleep on time. All the hard work of the mother of having a routine clearly indicated that there is not enough time and there is so much to learn. Wasting a single minute on something that doesnt add value or makes her learn something is such a stupid choice. This point settled.

Only thing in my plan was now to establish that Justin Bieber is a waste of time as it doesn't teach anything which wasnt too difficult. Set up some comparisons. Didnt take long.

I thought I was done and she was also. She just had one doubt. "Baba, but Miss XYZ, makes us watch Justin Bieber in class...". In my head, I go ..."What??". I mean, here we teach our child, you trust your parents and then you trust your teacher. These 3 roles will help you learn to make the good choices in life and then she brings this up. I was taken back but had to think on my feet.

After trying to force the issue around don't watch it or ignore it, I knew I had to come up with something more convincing. Something spoke to me inside and I spoke it outside. "Beta, do you know you have a special gift?". Seeing the sparkle in my daughter's eyes, it was like she was being let into a secret from a trusted resource, the dad.

I said, you can look at something but think of something else. As I had her attention, I asked her to look at Mama but think of Baba. As I saw her expression change when she saw Mama but thought of Baba, you have no idea what a great feeling it was. The nail in the coffin. She was so amazed by the power of the mind, she tried it again on something else and then it was done. She could think of so many other things while she "has" to watch Justin Bieber in School. We will obviously speak to the teacher but she should know how to manage even if the things are not so much in her hands.

Then we summarized what we had talked about. There was a lot to take, so summarizing helps, re-inforce the learning. We also established there is so much to learn and what is next.

Thought of sharing this. It helped me, it helped my child. Maybe it helps you.