
Back with an Androidified Big Bang!

So I have been missing from action, like majorly. There has been amazingly out of control stuff that has been going on. I became a father again, got some manly presence in the house with a boy. The equation is a little balanced with 2 men and 3 women in the house now. The MBA program keeps me busy and well obviously work pressure goes with it.

However, leaving all of that aside, I got andrioidified. Got myself the Samsung GT-8000, also known as the. 10.1 galaxy note recently and this blogpost is being constructed from it. After using the iPad for a little while before my wife took it from me as a forced gift as a return for the new kid in the house, I am not really missing it too much. People complain about the android market not being comparable to the app store, well trust me, I didn't miss anything. You should know what you want to do with your device. I got all the necessary apps that I used on the iPad and considering thIs device comes with its own stylus (S Pen), Samsung has stepped into some interesting apps using this, most considerably the S Note. While character recognition is not too bad, I am loving the shape recognition more, especially at work where a lot of paper was used earlier to draw out ideas, maps, flow charts etc.I am hoping developers get to work using this add-on hardware as there is lots of scope. I could use an enhancement to mindjet mindmanager to effectively use the S Pen but not a showstopper right now in any case.

Good iPad replacement I would say, and if this post publishes in the way I expect it to be, I have signed it off. Hope to be posting more often, as always, thanks for still coming here, you have no idea what it means for me to still hold on to my readers.