
Trade in Today for Yesterday?

Multiple events have led me to writing this post. So don't hate me if its a bit wayward. One of them was watching "Swordfish". This hacker gets into a government system and makes it go 2 years back to just flush all new records. Great idea, great movie.

The other thing was an old post I had written on "Life 2-3 generations ago ~ Was it better?" which actually had a lot of views and comments from the readers which makes it sort of a collectible on this blog.

Yet another thing was the current financial crisis and David Letterman joking about the Daylight Savings time and moving that one hour back. Saying we are losing another hour of the day and after losing  everything else who really cares. Everybody wants this year to pass quickly. That guy is a comic genius.

Anyway, linking everything back together I was wondering how many people would actually want to trade in today and go back to living in the past. Is it true that we think everything that has gone behind us was a walk in the park and the current and upcoming is the worst that could ever happen?

And yet when the worst that is yet to come actually comes, it just passes away. I mean the "big deal" of it just goes away, its simply amazing.

So tell me, would you trade in today for yesterday? It is a thought with which a lot of people will agree with. But then let me follow that up with contradicting myself. If we could actually rewind the clocks, wouldn't this happen again. The financial crisis will come again.

There are two directions that our thoughts could immediately take.

One is that we could go back and ensure that we don't do the things that led to the crisis that we are in today. I would say, "Yeah Right!!!"

The other which I like more is, we'll see this through to explore what is on the other side of the crisis. Difficulties come and difficulties go. That's what life is all about. Hurdles and steeples.

So if somebody asks me whether I would trade in today for yesterday, I would say "Go Fish!!". I would rather pass through these tough times and come out stronger on the other side. However, I wouldn't mind trading in today for tomorrow. A newer, fresher and brighter tomorrow.


  1. Would I want to go back? Well, I would definitely want to revisit the happy moments, but would rather not relive the tough times through which I barely escaped with my life. So, I don't really know. :D

  2. @ghazal - really?

    @sidhusaaheb - made you think...that was the idea...
