
How my Coat got Lost...

This last visit back home had its ironic side of it as well. Here is the story.

I have never really made myself a suit. Never got into wearing any expensive clothes you know. A grew up a typical guy who would just wear anything that covers the body. However, it was when I got married that I got my first suit made with all of my interest. It is black in colour with great material with a nice fall on it. I find it hard to say it in public but I really am in love with it :$

With just touching 4 years of marriage, this particular suit has stood the test of time with not much wear or tear. It remains my first choice for a job interview if you know what I mean. There is some luck on it as well. It has got me through from my last job interview as well and the record is really good if I put it in percentages.

So, I hope you realize the emotional element attached to it.

This last visit back home was to attend some marriage functions in the family and yet again, I had planned to wear my ever-faithful black suit. But there was unforeseen drama ahead, least that I knew.

After getting on the flight, I took off my coat to give it to the stewardess to hang it. I usually do that to sit in comfort while my precious coat hangs comfortable on a hangar as well. Its not something I did for the first time. However, when the flight landed and I asked for my coat back, I was brought somebody else's coat. I had still not lost my cool as I was expecting she'll go in and just get mine.

Not to be. Unfortunately, the coat had been exchanged. I had someone else's coat and he had mine. Man.

I was able to find his boarding pass in one of the pockets so didn't exactly lose hope. I ran to the baggage claim to try and find the person who has worn my coat and hasn't realized. Got an announcement done. No luck. Waited and waited. Sigh, feeling really bad. How can this be happening to me?

After feeling a little down, I took a look at the coat that I had. Didn't even match my pant. I checked the pockets found a little change, a packet of cigarettes and his boarding pass. I asked the airline staff if they could get me his number. They said that is against policy. I said well then its the airlines' responsibility to get me my coat. How about that?

After a little forcing and negotiating, he got me the person's number from the information on the boarding pass. There were two numbers that he gave me. One was a landline number, and one mobile number with MISSING a digit, oh the irony of it....
To be continued... next week...


  1. Oh no! that doesn't sound like very good luck! Hope you get your coat back. I can just envision you dialing that mobile number filling in the missing digit with every imaginable number asking each person if they got the wrong coat. :)

  2. i was watching mr. bean's holiday last night ... where he was dealing with last 2 missing numbers (100 combinations) ... you were lucky to be missing just one, i hope you tried the 10 possible numbers and got your lucky coat :P

  3. waiting for part two but wondering why the man didnt check his coat to see he had ur boarding pass or smthing..i mean if u want to pick up ur checkin in luggage u sometimes need to see the luggage tags behind the pass( if the security is any good at the airport else u walk out and noone asks u a single Q) how come he dint check he had the wrong coat on?

  4. i can't wait for the next installment of this story... i can just imagine you, trying to keep your cool but actually seething inside... and i would feel the same way if i were in your position... it's not only about being a "good luck" coat, but it's also a wedding attire!... well, maybe it's different with guys, but i think many women are quite attached to their wedding dress and many would freak out if they get the wrong dress after having it dry cleaned :)...

    you know what, this would really pass for a "short story" in the literary sense --- witty, engaging, with a good flow... maybe you should submit it to a magazine or something :)...

  5. I can't wait to read what happens next :P I'm thinking that there's more to what you have said xD

  6. That's more like a suspense thriller than anything else. :D

  7. hate it when somethinz to be continued...and that too next week!! arghh!!!

  8. @Anas
    yeah, kinda like watching those TV shows.

    Don't keep us waiting man! :P

  9. Oh man! just when it all started to get interested, to be continued popped in :( i didn't even read it and clicked it, hoping to catch the ending in the next page and nooo!

    It has to wait, btw why does it have to wait?

  10. update coming in about 20 minutes... :)

    I am amazed at the attention this got and the funny part is...the idea of breaking it up only came because the post became too long....

    You guys are just amazing...

    @lareine - really? WOW...never thought in those lines at all...

  11. awww i read your found post before this one :D

    i know the sentimental value that we attach with our belongings :D :D :D happens
