
Pohchee Vyo!

"Pohchee Vyo..." is the way to say "I have reached..." in the Memon language.

I have got a Memon mother and a Sindhi father so if somebody says I have a Memon element in me, he won't be wrong. I don't think I am a miser at heart even though I have had that feedback from my wife on multiple times. I like to call that more of a smart spender.

Just to add, I have nothing against Memons. How could I? I am one of them, partially. On the contrary I am a big fan of them as they are natural born entrepreneurs and spend money very wisely. The world needs to take more lessons from them especially in the current financial crisis and the causes behind it.

Anyway, this is a little story that I heard from someone I met only for the second time. The story is a short funny one and also amazes one on the thought process a miser's mind takes.

About 2o years ago, telecommunication was not as cheap as it is today and it used to something really expensive to make a call from abroad. Now this Memon guy was travelling to America and on reaching he wanted to inform his family back home that he has reached.

In those days, there was this concept of a PP call or a Particular Person call where you can tell the name of person and the operator would dial the number and ensure that you get that person on the other side. You would only get charged if you get the person on the other side otherwise there is no charge.

This person asks the operator, "Please dial this number and ask for Mr. Pohcheevyo..."

Operator - "Wha?"

Person - "Mr. Pohcheevyo..."

Operator - "How do you spell that?"

Person - "P-O-H-C-H-E-E... V-Y-O..."

Operator - "OK sir...Please hold..."

The operator dials the number and on the other side the wife of the person picks up. "Is Mr. Pohcheevyo home?"

Wife - "NO!! Sorry..." (smiling)

The operator lets the person know that Mr. Pohcheevyo is not home and the call ends, no charge. At home, however, the wife is already on her praying mat thanking Allah that her husband has reached safely or has "Pohcheevyo!!!"

Smart is the smartest word I can use for that person. Thats the kind of stuff we need today as well to save money and make it a brighter future for our children tomorrow.

Remember, every penny counts. Save now and there will be a time in the future where you can spend freely.


  1. *chuckle*

    good one :)
    first laugh this morning

  2. Nice... but it ain't real right this story?

  3. "Thats the kind of stuff we need today as well to save money and make it a brighter future for our children tomorrow."

    Yaar, haNy ehRi Gaalh bhi nahy!:)

  4. @scorpicity - Its real mate...

    @everybody else - I love making your DAY!!! ...

  5. your memon ammie
    naughty boy laugh loudly and feel fresh on this funnie thinking

  6. Nice.. except there is one loop hole in your "real story". The PP calls were only allowed from Pakistan to other countries. For this very "memon reason", no countries allowed this facility!

    p.s: i have nothing against memons either. I'm 100% memon! :)
