
Unlucky? or Ungrateful?

When things don't go our way, I think we are the first ones to let everyone know how frustrated we can get. We humans will hate everything, everybody, including ourselves and when we reach that crazy point we can easily become blasphemous as well. That's how we are. We want things to go our way all the time and when they don't we can turn into such monsters that people who know us would get surprised as well and give our antics the name of some sickness. Craziness, fits, mental disorder etc etc.

But basically its just us ungrateful humans.

Why do we forget at that time how much good was done also? How can we forget the simple joys, the great blessings, that we had when the good things were happening to us? Did we thank God at that time? No, No. See our logic is, if something good happens, we deserved it, we earned it. If something bad happens then we are just unlucky. How selfish and ungrateful is that?

I came across Lunatic's Post on how we more often feel than not.

After reading the post, I was wondering. Are we really Unlucky? or Are we just Ungrateful?

What do you think?


  1. I believe that we all want 100% life and surrounding , which is impossible and we mark it unlucky, yes we selfish and just think for good not for that bad thing happen which actually for future save ...


  2. Heh well...
    there is an un-authentic quote of Hazrat Ali that

    "Don't ask why your PRAYERS don't get fulfilled right away... Thank your Allah that He doesn't PUNISH you right after every SIN"

    Even if its not authentic but this quote does have something in it.


  3. I think its just about making up your mind with respect to the particular situation you are in.

    Badluck is directly propotional to a lousy effort - except for when you are unlucky in a lottery!

  4. hmm i agree with you but at the same time i disagree. not everyone turns into that monster. some display patience as we are told to do. but then there comes a point when humans break, they fall weak, coz ultimately we are helpless and always always turn to God. You mentioned how we never thank Him for the blessings..perhaps some do that too..but then the threshold is reached....m not complaining just kinda looking into another perspective...its not about being unlucky...

  5. @youtee - absolutely...that is another way to put it...

    @jingoist - makes sense...Allah is so Mehrbaan on us...for sure...whether we deserve it or not is another story...

    @kamran - LOGIC!!!

    @mubi - hmm...thats another perspective the bottom line holds that we are weak...and hence give in to the pleasures of this world and into our emotions...and frustrations...

  6. We're just a pathetic bunch of ungrateful beings.
    It needs awareness to realize that for simply being we should be truly grateful.

  7. @tee - we sure are...thats so true that even the way we are we BEING...wah..well said...
