
Success Formula

The post title does set it up like it would be a one liner which would continue with, "Here is the formula for success." Unfortunately, it is not so. There is no shortcut to success.

However, if there were a one-line formula, it would be, "Do your best."

This is all there is to it. It covers all the aspects of working hard, honestly with a positive attitude. You can bring in dozens of quotes on the topic but mine is just to go out there and put in the best effort you can.

I find these 3 words perfect for the Success Formula also because it covers all the different ways people define "Success". For some, it is the happiness of their family, the fulfilment of their duties and responsibilities. From a market point of view, it is to meet your customer's needs. For others its making maximum money.

"Do Your Best", is the simple way of putting it out and matching it with all the various definitions of success that have ever come up.

Okay, so its not easily done as said. It requires that extra effort, that extra push, that trying to gnaw out victory from the jaws of defeat. Continuous focus, continuous retrospection. That will & unseen faith to get up from the worst fall. That ability to ignore all the pain, forget all the negative chants and stand up to fight that one more round.

Inch by inch. Fight for that one inch ahead of the opponent. "Inches" is what I title this great inspirational speech from the movie, "Any Given Sunday". The actor, doesn't require any introduction, Mr. Al Pacino.

Motivating his team as coach, to put in their best in the last quarter of an NFL game.

I just love Sports & Sports Movies for the one soul reason that its so easy to find inspiration through them. Teamwork, motivation, inspiration...ohh...I am breathless...


  1. do your best is a good mantra... as is the indian version of it that says "do your best and leave the rest"...which essentially means you do the best you can and leave the results of your hard work up to god. (im assuming that is the indian version because i have heard it a hundred times here from a hundred diff ppl!)

  2. @mandira - It doesnt matter if it was an Indian version or not...the fact of the matter is...IT WORKS!!! heheh...

  3. @YouTee - how could anyone not? any more definitions of success?

    @Kamran - UGGGH!!! I hate tags...

  4. @kamran - Just after commenting back and reading ur blog, I realized I have done this before....

  5. do your best with an infinite amount of optimism! coz at some point in time...all the struggle for success starts to fail you,,,if you are optimistic will sail through...i lack that!! but hey your motivational mondays are working!! :D

  6. @mubi - its true that there will be more times than not that we feel de-motivated. Thats nature, we have been made in such a way that we keep asking for more and not be satisfied with what we have.

    No matter how much struggle one did to achieve something, everything is forgotten once the goal was achieved. The sweat, the tears, the misery before getting it. All forgotten and then pessimistic again that I am so unlucky that I dont have this and that and etc etc. We human beings are strange creatures. Stranger than anything...
