
Motivational Mondays - Jesus Take The Wheel

This particular song by the Season 4 - American Idol in 2005, Carrie Underwood is on my list of Inspiring Songs which I would like to say is a very elite list. The song is called "Jesus Take the Wheel". Enjoy & read further after you have heard the song. Pay extra attention to the lyrics.

Seeking help from Jesus. If we look beyond the religious aspect of it, one could easily replace Jesus  in the song with God or any other Holy Entity that one seeks help and guidance from. Its basically on what the person's Faith relies on in times of distress and hopelessness.

I think we feel that way in many situations where we believe that only God can get us through. There is no other way other than a Miracle that can get us through. That is where we want to let go off all the control that we have of our life.

We do believe that don't we? We firmly believe that we have all control there is to our lives. That is the best thing that The Creator of Life has done. He has given us just enough control of our lives so we start believing that we have the absolute full control. That is when the unexplainable happens and confuses us.

We believe that everything happens due to something that happened before. Even though that holds for a lot of times, it also doesn't hold for a lot of other times. Does everything have consequences? Did everything happen due to something that happened before? Well, without sounding too philosophical, where & how did That First Thing happen,  that started all the consequential stuff, happen? The chicken & the egg philosophy.

Think about it while I try and close this post.

So, after believing we have all sovereign control of our lives, there come those moments where, whether we want to accept or not, we feel helpless. So helpless that we do actually turn around and look for any kind of support available or something that could make it happen. Solve that un-solvable problem. It could be a deadly incurable illness to a loved one or getting that dream job at a time of financial stress. It could be at any juncture of life where we feel that no matter what we do, it wont be enough.

That is where we are counting on and hoping for a miracle. That is where we wish we didn't have control of our life in the first place. That is where we want to just let go and give the control to that Somebody much more responsible and powerful than us.

That is where we say, 

"Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hand, cos I can't do this on my own, I am letting go, so give me one more chance, save me from this road I am on. Jesus take the wheel...oh take it from me..."


Personal Prayer:

Please take the steering wheel away from me. I am not good enough to be given control of my life. Please make everything right. I am sorry for messing everything up. Please.

Read more posts from Motivational Mondays


  1. I remember when I visited a mandir somewhere in the interior Sindh... and I was amazed to see posters of famous Muslim Auliya-e-Ikram hanging there... I asked the clergy there and he said... Sub Bhagwan ki roop hein... n it is very true... wt matters in the end is the faith we have.. yes the names are different sometimes

  2. @afaque - true has to look beyond the obvious and find the right path...

  3. Carrie underwood is one of my favourite singers as well!

    i'm gonna look up this song, thanks.

  4. @mansoor - she is pretty cool...she is hitting the top charts...regularly...american idol has done a great job in finding great talent...NO DOUBT!!!
