
Where have all the Cowboys Gone?

I mean what I actually meant was, where have all the readers gone? I know I am being stupid by writing something like this. I mean of course people would have given up one me. Wrote me off from their feedburners. Nobody likes a dead blog. I dont blame you at all.

But...yes..there is a BUT. I am back. Yet again.

I will start letting everybody know that I am back. How? Of course by coming on to their blogs and starting to read again...I have been out of the scene. Blog posts due. Enough said.


  1. aww...we are right here :D
    welcome back...well there comes a phase when everyone needs a break from all the blogging thing.
    good to see you,,,ahem i think i have been away from urs quite a long time now :$

  2. In fact, feed-readers are useful for keeping up with blogs that are not updated frequently. :)

  3. Still here! People take breaks, its a fact of life :) Trust me, even if you said that you were ending your blog, people would still be subscribed to it months later...haha. Looking forward to more posts.

  4. Hello, *I* am still subscribed. Although its a private subscription. And I don't comment so I'm pretty useless as a reader. And I'm not a cowBOY!

  5. good to hear from you people...I mean this world can get really lonely at times...

    I knew I could count on you hehe...

    btw the title is from an age old song...apologies to all female offense met...

  6. Just kidding, man.

    Start posting!

  7. same here.
    I also blogged couple of posts now.

  8. Man, you ruined the song. It's not cowboys, it's good men...

    Your apology to your female readership still remains valid though. ;)

    Post away!

  9. Okay, I just googled "Where have all the cowboys gone" and now I am making silly faces at myself.

    I never did learn to think (or google) before I speak.


  10. ahaaa....
    yeh i am back too :P
    *i think*

  11. let's see what you are bringing for us!

  12. oh so its not tha bad...people are lurking...hehe...thanks...

  13. UTP, start utp'ing already!
    We've waited long enough! Ok, that was only meant to make you feel guilt. But don't. Cuz we all eventually grow up and abandon our blogs. Lol, ok another meaningless joke.

    Seriously, just write whenever you feel like writing, we'll be here : )

    Happy Belated Eid by the way!

  14. aaah! welcome back!good to see u have re-surfaced!

  15. Aethay ee aa'n ... assi kithay jaan'an aye =)

  16. Cow boys' hibernation mode is turned on I guess :P

  17. I seem to be going through the same thing man. It ain't easy keeping a blog updated and healthy with a busy life. Good to see you back though

  18. And by cowboys I thought you meant western (cowboy) films :P

  19. now thats more like it...THANKS!!!
