
Testing new blogging tool

I finally got it. My very first qwerty based piece of gadgetry. Yes people. You are looking at the new generation blogger who blogs from his phone. To be more precise, a PDA...

After evaluating many options I finally went ahead and got myself a HTC Tytn II. To explore the neat piece of machinery that I am holding in my hand, you can head to the HTC website. Its the ultimate business tool and has an arsenal of options which pretty much meet my requirements.

Anyway, this is my first post from my phone. Let's see how this goes.

P.S. Actually it didnt go as well as I would have liked and had to edit it a bit from the laptop. There are a few things to learn I suppose. It will come back. The bottom line is I am very happy with my purchase.


  1. I think that typing can seem like a real chore, while using that device as against a full-sized desktop or laptop. :)

  2. Oh wow the phone looks cutish =)

    Hope it goes great .. Eid Mubarak Bhai!

  3. @sidhusaaheb - well it can never be a laptop but speaking from experience I am loving it.

    @asma - thank you bibi. hope you had a great eid as well

  4. The phone looks great!

    It takes some time getting used to, but yes, i agree with what you guys stated: nothing can beat the good ol' lappy.

  5. lol,,its funny,,just a few minutes ago my brother was telling me i should buy a PDA since i am always on the blogging world :p and i was like what is a PDA :p ahem!!
    happy be with the purchase :D

  6. haha .. Man ... I can almost feel your excitement. I had an earlier model of this phone called the MDA a few years ago ... and I was ecstatic about it for the first couple of weeks. Btw, I've heard that the skyfire browser is pretty awesome on windows mobile. You have to check it out if you already haven't. :)

  7. [...] have got pretty much my whole Internet life on my HTC TyTN II now. This is what I can do on my mobile [...]

  8. [...] but anyway, got a pair which I only wear while driving. Got a nice blue-tooth headset to link with my phone as [...]
