
Chitika - Alternate to Google Adsense

When I wrote my post on Google Adsense and Mozilla Firefox, a lot of comments came through asking me if I knew any other good alternates to Adsense. Even though it is one of the most popular advertising networks on the Internet, there are other people who are working hard in competition as well.

I had come across Chitika in my early days of my birth as a blogger while I was searching for alternates to AdSense. I was thinking maybe I can put in two different advertisement sources and earn from both at the same time. I hadn't read the Adsense Terms and Conditions though and when I did I found out that you cant have any AdSense competition on the same website, I threw an over-smart giggle. I was becoming money-minded.

Anyway, when I came on Chitika's website, the first article they have on their page is that Chitika is allowed with Google AdSense on the same page. That was all that I wanted. I tried different things on Chitika and was quite impressed how they are not actually competing with Adsense as their products are much different. You will find out the difference when you sign up and start exploring. Their priorities and their target market is pretty different.

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

The first thing that impressed me was their variety of products. They have items to use for the area on the right and left of your site if a viewer has a different resolution on their monitor. These are called Whitespace ADs.

They have got Multi-Product Units (MPUs) which will have multiple items for sale in the same AD Unit. They also have Chitika Premium which they themselves say is useful if you have lots of visitors from the USA.

However, their most popular is eMiniMalls and Linx where you can earn on the traditional Cost-per-Click (CPC) or Cost-per-Impressions (CPI). Lot's of good stuff.

So, there you have it. For the people who wanted an alternate to AdSense, Chitika is one.


  1. what i like about chitika is the same thing u mentioned that you can use it with google adsense and yes they are pretty much different.

  2. Adsense does not allow any other Chitikas (oh god, this word is so funny :D) but Chitika & Co. says they allow Google Adsense with Chitika on the same page. *Dinky Mind confoosed* So if I have Adsense on my page, I can't have Chitika family there? Means I have to first get rid of Adsense, then add Chitika and then add Adsense...? I missing something? :|

  3. @jawwad - I havent really installed chitika on this site as yet....i dont want to clutter it all still has to be good to the reader's eye...I think its very easy to get carried away...

    @dinky mind - u r missing something heheh....adsense doesnt allow any other but chitika claims its its not in keeping it CAN use chitika and adsense on the same page...ENJOY...

    @sidhusaaheb - I am innocent...honestly...the cat did was the neighbour's was the postman's parrot!!!

  4. That was useful! Thanks! =D
    I would never be able to tell when my blog's ready for these, though.. always seems undeveloped yet.

  5. hey Thanks so much UTP! I'm also thinking of using such services to build up some revenue :)

  6. Hi UTP. Thanks for visiting my space. Thanks for the comments as well. Buddy that wasnt astrology by any means... It was just a personality test.

    I personally dont believe in astrology at all... So count me in for it :)

  7. Also try AdBrite, they get along well with Google Adsense too.

  8. @lujee - you think my blog is? But there is no harm in trying. Your blog is one place on the internet where you have the right to experiment, try new things...I would say go for it...the readers are quite giving...the majority don't mind experimentation by the try new things and your blog will change in complexion in few days...

    @kamran - make money dude...fuel prices aren't coming down in the near future heheh...

    @I walk Alone - heheh...well you should have made that clear there....anyway...welcome to my blog...hope to see you more often...

    @Anas - yeah heard of that too...I ll explore that too...and if its any good...I might a review for that also...
