
Beings of Heaven

I was writing a comment somewhere and it led to a series of thoughts in my head. It was about how "Unsatisfied" we are. We come into this world crying. Somebody had a very good explanation for why we come to the world crying.

He said, "We are beings of heaven...and the stuff that we left behind while coming here...its certainly not matchable to the things in this world...."

So even though it may be a happy moment for the parents and the family around that a child came to this world, its not really a happy moment for the child. We human beings have been made for Heaven. Heaven... a place where desires will always remain fulfilled. You think it, and you got it. With the great explanations of how Heaven is and what goodies are there, its not unreasonable at all that we keep complaining about almost every other happening in this world.

Coming from a perfect world, this world is only filled with flaws. Oh the electricity!!! Oh the economy!!! Oh my pay-cheque!!! Oh the neighbour's dog!!! No matter who you are or where you are from. You have a list of rantings that you go through every other day and the list only grows with time. We are quite spoiled in that sense since we are not used to having things not go our way.

When I moved from my home country into UAE, friends used to ask me, "Don't you get homesick?" I used to wonder, I should get homesick but I really didn't. Well my wife and kid were here but people still do get homesick and can't adjust to abroad. That led me to another thought.

Since its heaven that we have come from and eventually we will go back there, isn't that our ultimate home? I mean OK I was born in some-body's house, in some town & in some country. I call my home "sweet home" in this world but is it really my true home? What is home anyway?

Home is a place where you feel protected from the atrocities of this world. You feel relaxed and free. You feel in control. OK so that does justice to the worldly definition as well but isn't Heaven a more appropriate definition of HOME?

Only if we could understand that truth. Only if we could actually feel homesick for our true home? Imagine how we would just change our lives to be able to get back to our real home quickly. Then everybody would be walking on the right path to make the road to home more smooth and more brisk.

We are after all, beings of heaven. Heaven is where we came from and Heaven is where we will end up eventually & hopefully quicker than we deserve. Lets pray, may we all become homesick for our true home and start leading our lives accordingly on a path which leads to...Home. Amen


  1. How inspiring! You couldn't have said it any better, getting homesick for our true home.. wow! I'll share this with my husband and of course give credit where credit's due!

    Keep up your writing!


  2. Ameen. Such a wonderful thought provoking post. Not sure if you have listened to the lecture but Anwar Al-Awlaki's set called The Hereafter, is truely amazing, worth a listen.

  3. MashAllah, such a nice post. :)

    I noticed this thing in Saudia that when someone dies, people don't cry. They say, "the deceased is in Heaven now - and is far happier than we are, so why cry?"

    Really, we all belong to Heaven.

  4. True. Heaven is where home is, sounds redundant now. On a different note, did you recently also feel an urge to "blow yourself up"?

  5. Yeah man, have you joined Al-Qaeda? :P

  6. @teedimensionist - made so much sense...I had to share...

    @Amir - how do I hear it? Youtube?

    @dinkymind - that is an interesting fact...and makes much sense...but the peer pressure sometimes gets to you...

    @razaAli - heheh...not really...

    @SAWJ - not really...I am not too sure what they are upto and whether it is correct or not...a little confused on that side...

    its become a brand name now... Al-Qaeda

  7. wah now thats a good you highlighted. liked the you connected the feeling of feeling homesick to heavens ;)

  8. I also don't understand what people mean when they ask questions like 'don't you get homesick'?

    I say, this whole world is our home - be it temporary - and then eventually move to either heaven or hell depending on how we go about things in this temporary home..

  9. Probably that's why Quran asks us to consider this world as just a temporary stop. But hum yahan dheeray hee dal laytay hein! :D

    Excellent post! :)

  10. Unfortunately you would have to buy it :) Its, I believe, a 9 or 10 CD set. Google it, its avail for purchase online, though not sure if anyplace local has it, or if Soundvision or some consortium will ship it. Doesn't hurt to check :)

  11. Nice post. If everyone just stopped and thought about life this way, we wouldn't all this mumbo-jumbo bull*** going around us. But alas! things are much more complicated than that!

  12. About the very explanation in the beginning, i firmly believe that it's not true. It's in the genes to weep and respond to the new environment.

    You can take many examples, the the baby whale starts swimming the very next moment it borns, the chick knows how to peck its' beak on the ground, just hatched snakes camouflage themselves by laying still, upside down and pretending dead.

    If you find any Islamic description about it do let me know.

  13. Well, I am in no hurry to go back to my 'real home' at the moment and do not intend to jump in front of a train or walk into an oncoming truck or off the nearest cliff! :D

    However, I do not really have to worry about any of that, for I believe that it is not something that I control. I'll have to return where I came from when recalled by the Almighty. :)

    In the meantime, one can always appreciate the little joys that life has to offer almost every single day, rather than complain about all that does not make one feel happy.

    We ought to fight against all that is not right, as that is our duty, in my opinion, but not let that make us bitter.

  14. I think have been misinterpreted by some. I was not talking about dying early or killing ourselves or counting the days until I die...I was talking to amend your lives to start preparing for the end...which is going to your life in a way so that your afterlife is ...what everybody wants...

    @mubi - got it...

    @kamran - absolutely same place can really be home now can it?

    @ordinary girl - how ignorant of us isn't it...

    @Amir - yeah but...unfortunately...used to freebies...wherever possible...I ll find something...or in the worst case....rainbow center...

    @raza - they sure are and even getting this thought in your pretty difficult...another case of easier said than done...

    @GH - I am sorry for the confusion...that is not the Islamic definition at all...not that I know off anyway...that was more of a random comment by someone...apologies...

    leading from your comment though...I guess...we are supposed to be crying all our lives so that's what we do as the first thing...when we are born....hehhe...

    @SidhuSaaheb - agreed to the full Sidhu has to do everything for the good...make every day make it a day for someone else also...while we enjoy also...

  15. now, that's just too serious!
    We miss our past cause we have memories associated:S

  16. That's a new way of putting it: getting homesick for what is our real home. But I'm not sure we would be sent here if it was only to get homesick. We come here with a purpose, to make the most of the human life we've been given and we must live it to the fullest.

  17. hehe.... yeah rit, but the thing is, till we attain 'home' we got to live in the world.
    And to be frank, 'home' is for eternity and so, as much as im not afraid to die, im in no hurry to, either!

    PS: i prefer yr sports blog though!!!

  18. Isnt it ironic that some among us pass down comments on Al-Qaeda's suicide bombing as it is some foolish joke transmitted by a person who is desperate to get "virgins." Some groups of people from among the Muslims are damaging Islam and yet we laugh at them instead of contemplating on what went wrong in the education of those khwarij. Shame on us. Woe to us.

    Regarding the matters of heaven, it is not necessarily true that we will "go to heaven" after dying. The manhaj of the Ahl us Sunnah is clear that we will be tested and be granted "heaven" or "hell" based on our deeds. So yes, there might be many unfortunate ones among us. Scientifically, when a child is born, he/she cries because this leads to increased ventilation of the lungs. This results in adaptation of the lungs to the new environment (air) because while in mother's womb, the lungs are non-functional.

  19. absolutely loved your post!

    but actually babies cry at birth to clear out the amniotic fluid out of the lungs. It replaces fluid with air right at that moment.. and because that baby has just sat in a dark, warm, comfy womb for 9 months and now it's too bright for their eyes and it's cold and they don't understand why they can move their legs freely. But mostly for the air in the lungs thing.

  20. Branded terrorist... :P Good one!

  21. Hey,
    Nice post. . . .I guess,we complain because, we have nothing better to do :P. . And lol, am in no hurry to go to heaven , not home sick at all...not one bit :P

  22. @unaiza - is important to be serious...right? only sometimes....though...

    @D - we must live this life to the fullest...agreed...but I think we should be clear on what "FULLEST" means...does it mean...enjoying till the last drop or doing a few good deeds along the way...while we do the good deeds...we are attending an essential part of make it all "FULL"...isn't it?

    @avaran - that is the first good commendation I received for my Sports Blog...thanks means a lot...that proves I have at least something to become a sports columnist some day...

    @salafiscientist - we all are going to end up in heaven...after we have received our punishment and time spent in Hell...that may be the longest ever...but at the end...we would enter heaven...and then it will be forever...I think that is what I have extracted...from my various readings...unfortunately I will not be able to disprove you or prove myself through supporting material...but...your point is well taken also...

    @lujee - thanks for that really informative comment...but my point is good also right...philosophically speaking ehehe...

    @sawj - don't be surprised to see the next generation of T-Shirts with the Al-Qaeda brand...on it...someone can make a lot of money this way for the terrorists...right?

    @P - while it lasts...but don't forget your good deeds along the way...

  23. Seriously, you're not thinking about it?

  24. oh wow really? me too..... :D so how do you propose to go about it?

  25. @sawj - I am...only that I would have to buy a copyright hehhe...

    @avaran - well...dont be afraid to write...I think writing is something you learn by writing...I started writing at at a time when they were also just starting and have been attached to them...since then...

    now I have my own sports I may not be the best at it...but I enjoy...writing...on sports...the good thing is that some people have started reading as well...

  26. quite an elegant writeup ... very thought provoking :)

  27. @serial chiller - we cant open other place you posting your great pictures?

  28. Nice Post Umar,
    Different is the pureness of the Food.But there should be some balance in the amount of concentration we should give for these.We must live our life's to the fullest
