
My Butterfly

Right from the day I got some sense, I wanted to be a father. I wanted to be a Super Dad, be able to provide and be the person who my children turn around to for everything that they want. For everything that they are confused about. I wanted to be the friend, the buddy...

When I got married, I was really excited as I was much nearer to my wish and when the news finally broke that I am going to be dad, it was one of the happiest moments of my life.

On 16th January 2006, I took my daughter in my hands and spoke Allah's words in her ears, I had fulfilled my dream. That is what I always wanted to do. I wanted that the first words that she hears would be the Azaan in my voice. I felt proud and thankful and it was one overwhelming experience.

On the day she was born, the happiness was also complimented with sadness that since nothing is going to be here forever, there will be a day when we shall part. She will go away. My little caterpillar would become a butterfly.

Gradually she has grown up and this gradual part has been too quick for me to be really honest. With a period of almost 2 yrs and 5 months gone, I feel I have not done enough. I feel time is going to fast. I need to stop time and do more. This is not fair.

Soon she will be a woman and be independent. What will I do then? What do I do now...?

The above post was inspired by this.


  1. Stop thinking of time so ahead :)

    Start concentrating on now and her lovely growing years :>

  2. My case is not so different.. My son who is now nearly 5 months old and time is really flying and i feel the same like i have to do many things and i got a very short time...

  3. Don't worry too much dear friend. We have our God to worry about us and our worries. Have faith in Allah and just make sure that my niece hears the same words of Allah (the ones u spoke into her ears on her first day) everyday as that will make her be a good human being, a true daughter of Allah.

    And if this happens, then wherever she may go, u will be sure that Allah is taking all care of her!

    My blessings for the cinderalla!

  4. @asma - you are right...but still...time is not stopping it will never stop...

    @jawwad - welcome to the boat...friend...

    @tejbir - thanks for the kind words...that's beautiful advice...

  5. :) Things work out for the best, and I pray that they do. Don't worry too much about the future - plan appropriately and moderately, and enjoy watching her grow up :)

  6. awee fathers really dote on their daughters n i lov mine for that :D n its not changed much in the last 25 years bhai, infact its grown from the time when i was proud to be his daughter to now, when he gets reasons to be proud of my achievements Alhumdolillah. also, i think v talk more now, about work, studies, politics, n almost everything under the sun!
    i hope mahnoor always remains the sunshine in ur life inshaAllah.. oh yeah, i know she would lov sibblings, but the first born always remains special, me knows :D :D

  7. wah bhaee wah! ada truly mahnoor is mashallah a child whos cherished by everyone mashallah! dont worry about time...just enjoy her each and every passing minute! we've had a blast with her...
    btw guys this post is also becuz mahnoor is away from baba for a few days...and we got lucky...partying with her in karachi!:)

  8. I think every dad goes through this dad have three daughters and he is always grumbling that we're growing up too fast..

    But I think you must a terrific've been a terrific teacher after all :) I remember my whole batch was so much in awe of you in my initial fastian days..we regarded you as someone highly acknowledged, highly intellegent Umer Bhai.. :) and guessing from your blog, you still are..

  9. @absar - well I guess you are right...plans are there...for sure...trying to be the best...

    @ud - me knows too ....

    @ghazal - yeah yeah....enjoy while it lasts...a few weeks and she is back home...with me...hoo hoo ha ha....

    @lubz - now that was flattering...I never knew you were from FAST...Thanks...

  10. Awww...."My little caterpillar would become a butterfly." This sentence is so cute. The little caterpillar must surely be the cutest one :)

  11. Hi. I am a mom. My kids are older, my daughter in 10, son is 9 - I feel I have missed out on so many things with them - but in reality, we are in the same house all the time - doing all things we need to do as a family - Its just a super parent syndrome - dont give into it.

    Enjoy each moment with your kid - as much as you can - Its good to see an emotional dad :)

    I have web pages where I jot down my thoughts - visit anytime and drop comments as well if you like.

  12. Ah, my son is 35 and my daughter is 31, and they both were married to wonderful soulmates recently. So they do grow up too fast, but soon, inshallah, grandchildren will come :) There is always that to look forward to :)

    Ya Haqq!

  13. Oh, I just came to know about your being a FASTian too and also having a batch fan following... :D The blogging world's full of surprises. Anyway, like everyone has already said, don't worry much about mahnoor. She'll be back from Karachi soon!

  14. @dinky mind - cutest is too small a word...I m trying to invent a word called Mahnoor to define the cuteness...

    @nadeen - emotional dad....hmm...yup I guess that is me...very emotional about the human elements...

    @irving - well yeah...there would always be something to look forward to know..

    @hina - are you also?? batch fan following heheh...I used to big fan of many seniors....and looked up to them...I guess its just a university environment thing...seniors to juniors and vice versa...

  15. Yes, I guess just a FASTian culture. I'm freshly senior and a fan of several ex-seniors. I probably joined when you had already left.

  16. I really like this post. Interestingly my third was born the exact same day! Children grow so fast, and so much time is consumed ensuring they eat right, are safe, and all of that, time just flies by, and before you know it, they are not babies anymore (like our first born :) ) Something we have noticed, is with our third we really baby him...treat him like a baby. Being the same age as your daughter (perhaps only hours apart) we let him progress at his own pace, no rush, we already have 2 fast talkin, running and jumping kids.

    Remember, however, no matter what you will always be her father, no amount of independance or even age can change that. To you she will always be your little girl.

  17. @hina - Freshly senior...enjoy while lasts...memories forever...

    @brainsmoke - coincidence...of birth dates...hehe..but taking from your experience...there is lots to look forward to for sure...

  18. [...] I am already weary of her growing up to quickly, it is still a difficult thing to absorb but on the good side of things, I am really enjoying our [...]

  19. Same feeling as of my daughter.But I agree with Asma. Enjoy each moment with her.You will enjoy that moment as well when your Princess become elder.
