
Fighting the Existing Reality

An office colleague of mine likes to send out these daily 'thought of the day' and I have been keeping the good ones to blog on the day when I can't really get myself to write on anything else....Here is a very interesting one...

"You never change something by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

That is applicable to so many things that we keep banging are heads on the wall for. Take it a country's politics, the sports scene, family life, wives grumbling about their husbands and vice versa, mother's and kids etc, the list can go on.

Wherever we wish to change something around or
make better, we all are getting frustrated trying to fight the existing reality. Take a break and think on another way to solve the problem. Build a new model which makes the current model obsolete. Take a new approach.

I am not asking you to get a new wife or husband here OK, please don't catch my words on that. It's more on the lines about bringing in a new approach altogether. To make things better try something new and fresh. That is actually one of the essential points while building up problem-solving skills which is to look at multiple angles of the same problem.

In fact I used to say that to a lot of friends who would say they are bored with life. The slightest of change you bring to a daily routine gets you more interested in life. It could be consciously putting the right sock on instead of the left that you put on yesterday or taking a new route to work or watching a new TV channel which you have never watched because you found it boring. Just try something new and you start enjoying life like it was in the good old days.


  1. But wot if the earlier model doesnt get obsolete, wot if continues to co-exist like a bad dream....things that require an effort, even finding novelity, sometimes get to be boring....

  2. You're right to some extent. Sometimes a new approach and a fresh routine is all we need to get away from the boring monotonous routines of today. But not all problems can be whisked away like this - family problems, relationships etc. I guess every situation has its own way of being dealt with. Good post though.

  3. sabaat sirf taghayyur ko hay zamaanay main. Without change, whether automatic or forced, life would be meaningless. It is the turn around the corner and the new challenge that makes every day amazing to life for.

  4. you,yourself can turn things into new shape or direction to kill teh boredom or obselte but when things are directly connected to other people to find another to resolve issue than it doesnt provide any kind of solution

  5. @tanzilla - everything does get obsolete some day...bringing in a new model just quickens the process...the new thing has to be so good that it quickens that an infinite speed hence making it obsolete immediately...otherwise bring something even more new & fresh...or one can always wait...

    @raza - thanks & welcome...I should have written easier said than done somewhere in the post...anyway...agreed to the whisking away business here...the effort is there for sure...

    @jalal - true, true...& TRUE...

    @aashely - the change will be brought by us but the effect of the change will only show when it starts effecting others also....that is the solution and thats how change takes place....think about while one tries to change something a corresponding change takes place somewhere else also....something similar to the Matrix....

  6. I actually agree very much with this idea. Often the key to solving a problem is to think differently or approach it in a completely different way. If you have read the book 'seven habits' there is an example of a guy who is getting ready to go to work and a lot of silly things happens and how he chooses to react determines his day to come. He could get frustrated and fight the existing reality or he could be more understanding and approach things differently and turn around the whole situation in his favor. Congratulations, you are highly effective guy according to that guy.

  7. hahah at new husbands and wives:P

  8. @RazaAli - hey long time...welcome back... the book sounds interesting...and a lot in line with what I am talking about...

    @unaiza - had to never know what people may do...especially when the category is Professor UTP...

  9. definitely food for thought!!
    you have to change before you are forced to change.. the former is your own decision and the latter brings along bucketloads of resentment!

  10. @UD - resentment...well that depends from person to person also...

    @tayyab - welcome back...
