
The New & Effective Logic of Appraisals

Appraisals is something that we professionals wait for the whole year for and as soon as we get it, the countdown starts again...365, 364, 363... For the management its the other way around. 1, 2, 3.... if you know what I mean. Its that way anyway these days especially. There have been many companies who are telling their employees that there will be no appraisals this year and they are lucky they have a job. Maybe that is true. But anyway, the appraisals are never enough anyway. We never feel compensated for our efforts.

1 comment:

  1. Appraisals, as far as I have seen in Indian companies, at least, are a farce. The bosses manipulate the so-called objective methods of performance appraisal, so that the results match what they have already decided in their minds with respect to an employee's performance.

    Also, these provide little constructive feedback about ways and means to improve performance and are associated primarily with the quantum of salary raises.
