
Financial Crisis - Concentrating on The Positives

Motivational Mondays Time...

I know others have written on the topic as well and I think that is the best way to pass away the current doom & gloom surrounding us. Write about the positives, talk about the positives, share links, make it funny. Its quite stressful anyway.

I know its difficult to read a post about the positives of the financial crisis if you have been a victim of it. But the good part is, you are part of the majority. The best thing that I can say to people who have lost their jobs, are in financial stress etc is that "This too shall pass."

Trust me its even more difficult to write. Anyway, here are some positives that need to be mentioned.

As per a recent post by a fellow blogger, customer service has really improved. Banks are now ensuring they retain customers through excellent customer service. That is coming from the strategy most companies have employed.

Quality. Ensure that the quality of the product is maintained. If one looks beyond the recession, those who survive now will have a big market to just come and take over. Whoever ensures that the quality of their product or the experience that the customer enjoys remains intact and to the topmost level, will make up for all the tough times now.

I know this has been repeated again and again but I cant help just saying it once more.

"Isn't it amazing that women have not actually started marrying for love?"

Heheh...I am sorry, just had to put it in the post.

Anyway, do you know that if you are in an investment mode, this is the best time to put it in the right company. All you need to be good at is to find that company that is going to be around and buy that share. Its probable that you will get a huge bargain. Talk about tripling you money. That's a huge positive for people who got cash on them.

For most companies, its about consolidation. Filtering the dirt. Cleaning up the little messes which they couldn't find time to clean in the busy competition around. Now is the time, you find companies optimizing processes, reducing people to an optimum level. This does mean that many people do end up jobless, but what it also means is that if you are good, you can get a job in a place where you will make that difference. That is always good, trust me.

Oh, very important to mention is how companies have started going green. Yes, eco-friendly is the word people. See, green has always made financial sense as it does save cost. The only reason why many companies didn't go for it is that it is beneficial in the long run. With the tight funding and competition not many companies wanted to invest big. They want immediate returns. After finding time to review the benefits in the long run, now seems a good time for that.

Innovation is what will separate the wheat from the chaff, the great companies from the ordinary lot. That is what will be the difference on the other side of the recession. Its not only about survival but "Survival in Style" what counts today.

People have now seen what can happen when the bubble bursts. We had only heard that the bubble will burst some day. Well here it . How much can we borrow? How much? Speculative trading. Man. People now realize that the value of money is much more than the value of credit. The market has undergone the much needed correction.

The question still remains on whether the bottom has been hit, whether we have seen the worst yet. Its very important to stay positive. Its very important to hold on and live through it.
"The sun shines on the other side of each night."

This aint over people. I am standing. You are standing. Look around you, there are many people trying to stand up, give them your hand and together we will see this through. Hand in Hand.

Do you know that Google & Microsoft started during  a recessionary period? Look where they are now. Fortune magazine was also a revolution, yet again started during a recession. Think about it. If you wake up in the morning, thinking you should own a company, this is the time to get something started. There couldn't be a better time. This is one way of looking at it. The positive way.

Of course you can also stick your head under the ground or go into hibernation. You make the choice. In the words of Captain Planet :P



  1. Go Planet but i am suffering from Ostrich Syndrome.

  2. Ok, so you're right that there are some positives. Just hard to feel at the moment.

  3. LOLLL@ “Isn’t it amazing that women have not actually started marrying for love?”.... good one man!!
    It definitely is difficult for many people till they start thinking about people in Gaza and Waziristan...and then they realize how lucky they are just losing the jobs/comforts.

    InshAllah...things will change soon for everyone.

  4. Think positive, and you shall gain from it xD Great post. Light is what helps us escape from darkness, except that is is hard to see light in darkness =)

  5. At current times Cash is the King!

  6. @gh - long as the bird has the biggest egg in the world...the Ostrich Syndrome is not something to be afraid or embarrassed about heheh...

    @lisa - yup...the good news is that feelings are something we can control and come over...

    @zios - absolutely...we are lucky...way more lucky than most people in this world...

    @bbZush - is it? I disagree. Light is the easiest thing to find in the darkness. One has to wait long enough...

    @Anon - oh yes...CASH is KING...but dont sit on it....either... not using it is not the solution....using it wisely IS...
