
The Sandals

I have always enjoyed an audience. I mean, I crave for an audience to listen to me and for that I have to be ready with some good stuff to make them go home satisfied. Its a crazy whole cycle really considering I keep myself ready for anything that could interest the people I am interacting with and take it out when I get the chance and yet such an audience is not something that is available on my beck & call.

One aspect I really want to improve about myself is the ability to inspire people. To motivate them and in many ways influence what they do as compared to what they would have done if they hadn't interacted with me. This is something that I want to learn and improve about myself.

I would die really satisfied if people remember me as someone who inspired them and somehow made a difference by motivating them towards something that worked out for them. In the same direction, I have decided to name my Monday posts as Motivational Mondays. Since, I am always on the lookout for inspiration for myself and find it through the strangest of ways, I decided I will be posting a regular Motivational post on Mondays to share some of that magic with my readers.

One can find motivation in the most stereotypical of ways such as reading quotes, books or listening to a speech. Or one could find motivation in the strangest of places such as watching a chick hatch from an egg, listening to somebody and hearing a sound from within oneself. I know and you would know also that when that happens, its one of the best feelings possible in this world. The breakthrough!! Eureka!! and the feeling of "Now it makes sense..." and " I want to change the world..." These all come from being inspired to a level that your blood rushes. Anyway here is the first post in a humble effort to make that difference in your lives.

The Sandals

I heard this story in a Toastmasters session, a club which I have recently joined and am very happy to do so just to add. I ll write more about that in some other post. A fellow toastmaster did a speech on "Dare to Care" and started with this story.

She was travelling with her spouse for her honey moon and while getting on the moving train which was leaving, one of her sandals fell off on the platform. While thoughts of having sheer bad luck and "why me?", ruled her mind for a little while, there was the deeper thought which made her do something different in quick time.

She took off her other sandal and threw it to the platform. Her husband asked, "Why the hell did you do that?"

My friends, she replied that whoever poor lady who finds the one sandal would be happy to find the other one as well. There is no use of one sandal for me anyway, just like there would be none for her.

A nice & sweet short story to make you think and ponder upon how such a simple thought and a simple act can make such a difference. I think in today's world its these little things that we are missing out or have forgotten to do. We can blame it on the society, the time, current affairs, financial crisis and whatever comes to our mind. But deep down inside, we know its only ourselves to blame for the misery around the world. What have we done to change the world other than criticizing and pin-pointing?

Think again. There is always time to change and do something about it. Cheers!!!


  1. I just realized something. You're an extrovert who thinks he's an introvert :P

    Congrats on the toastmaster thing. Not sure what it is exactly.

  2. Awww...such a nice story. We seriously know how to criticize the system and all, and we least care about finding ways to improve it. We all are ganday bachay!

    Just noticed "Uniquely Thought Provoking" at the top :D Nice one! :D

  3. I'm not sure I would have thought quickly enough to dump the second shoe but it's a great idea really. :)

  4. @samar - I have been thinking about that myself also...I think I have always been an extrovert just never got the medium to come out...hmm...I think I am liking it here now...lets see how much I last in the sunshine...

    @dinky mind - absolutely...readers can suggest in UTP - Un-Abbreviated on the side bar....just like teedimensionist has through her CHEMISTRY expertise...

    @Lisa's Chaos - well each situation one should think with an attitude of DARE TO CARE....

  5. It takes very little to help, to care for somebody but sadly many of us usually dont realize it. There are small things which we can do and make people's life easier :)

  6. We would probably be more sympathetic to the "Dare to Care" theory if we imagine the immense joy that a single act of kindness can gives others. Just the other day, while buying some stuff from the local store, i recieved an extra 5 rs from the shop keeper.I returned the money without giving a second thought to it, But the dude on the counter became really excited and happy. So the lesson i learned was tht it doesnt matter how small an act of kindness is, wt really counts is the act itself!

    Nice Post! :)

  7. @afaque - oh yes...its about the small things...really...

    @shine - nice one too...thanks...

    @keen lyricist - welcome...
    @SAWJ - thanks...

  8. Very good & timely idea to write such motivational lines coz these days we are surrounded by various crises.

  9. A truly inspirational post and a wonderful idea!
    Too often we make the mistake of thinking that to change our world for the better we need to take the biggest steps possible, when it's usually the contrary. Thanks for writing about this and sharing that story with us : )

    It's funny how I was thinking of a 'Title-less Tuesday' idea for my blog, posting random photos on Tuesdays! Haven't done so today, not yet anyway!

    All the best to you!

  10. Haha yeah, If you know which Hip-Hop artists to listen to, it can be a great thing. Keep up the good work on your blog.

  11. utp...the lady on the honeymoon... her story is not new. mahatama gandhi did the exact same thing for the exact same reason. its a very famous story. :P ..great act of kindness, nonethless!

  12. That's a pretty nice story. Not only is it practical in the utilitarian sense, but it was also altruistically benevolent.

    Thanks for your kind words and prayers. My grandmother is slowly getting better, Alhamdulilah.

    And yes, it's sad to see any court in that condition. You're absolutely right. Lack of government respect for the judiciaries = lack of respect for the judiciaries by the people

  13. [...] Umar Pirzada recounts a story he recently heard at the Toastmaster’s club: She was travelling with her spouse for her honey moon and while getting on the moving train which was leaving, one of her sandals fell off on the platform. While thoughts of having sheer bad luck and “why me?”, ruled her mind for a little while, there was the deeper thought which made her do something different in quick time. [...]

  14. i think we also have a version of this... but in our story, slippers are used instead of sandals, and it was on a river that it fell and not on a railroad platform... but of course, the lesson is the same...

    and it got me thinking, sometimes we keep a lot of "unwanted" things, things that are useless to us, just because!... but when we let them go, no matter how difficult it is, there's a certain feeling of "lightness"... and this applies not only to material things but emotional baggage as well... and we can then take one step forward...

    thank you for sharing this wonderful story --- not only for reminding me of our version of it, but also of reminding me to "let go"...

  15. A lovely and inspirational post. Thanks!

  16. @mz - I know...I m glad you realize the intention...let the feelings be contagious and flow around the blog world...

    @tee - title-less is actually a good idea...considering we bloggers are getting more OFF days than ON recently if you know what I mean...

    @keen lyricist - thanks mate...keep visiting..

    @sheza - o is wonderful to hear...great inspiration...Gandhi jee as well from the little I know about him...

    @amr adel amin - as I said and keep saying...things do eventually turn out for the best...

    @lareine - I totally agree...emotional baggage is the excess baggage that costs big just like while you are traveling...hehe...nice to hear that the story is quite common across...

    @celine - Thanks to you for coming...WELCOME!!
