
Indo~Pak Cultural Commonality?

We are not too different you know...

Got the above comic in an email circulating through some of my Indian friends. Imagine? They don't feel too differently. It just hit me so hard that I had to post it. Its so true, isn't it? Who are we really? Have we lost our identity? Maybe its not too late yet. Lets think about this and do something about it.

P.S. Friday Funnies is going to bring you something funny yet meaningful on your Fridays. Yet another regular on UTP from now on. Enjoy.


  1. It's true,unfortunately. Nobody wants to themselves these days, everybody wants to join the wannabes clan.

    It's high time to think and then decide.

  2. This is very intriguing for me. I have always wished to further understand the tensions between the Indo~Pak communities. But even for someone, like myself, who is ignorant of the region's culture, this cartoon sends a very clear and profound, yet nevertheless funny and ironic message.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  3. @priya/lubz/EM/mansoor/leemz/raza/mandira/daanish

    Isn't it amazing how a cartoonist can say so much...or a picture is better than a thousand words? Its just amazing how such a simple comic could say so much...

    @amr adel amin - well my you can see from the above comments both Indians & Pakistanis do agree and find it ironically true...

    I am a big believer in having that identity...not forgetting the roots...cos wherever you this world....the country thats yours will always take you matter matter how much money you have or do not have in your matter who you are in life...

    All that matters are somebody from that land...

    When I travel and land at the runway of my country I still feel my blood rush...its just simply breathtaking how I could feel the same every time...

  4. well thats what they think..thats what they're propagandizing all about utp..we've got our very own identity & this does pisses em off..regardless of everything we still haven't completely lost our way..regardless of hard they try our identity's still intact & our culture's definitely different from theirs!

  5. @an illusion - hmm...I think thats a bit OSTRICHY in approach...its the little minority who believes in what you just said...but the truth is bitter my friend...

  6. thats what you think utp & at the moment I don't feel like typing a loOoOoOoOng comment..maybe some other time.

  7. @illusion - hmm...I would really like to listen to what you have to say...
