
All Positive Energy needs is Direction

So it was a day when Pakistan was facing West Indies in the final ODI of the series held at Abu Dhabi (read Abu Dubai by the pakhtoon taxi drivers...). Also, the Lahore Baadshahs were facing the Hyderabad Heroes in the rebel version of IPL, ICL. Guess which one got more attention? OK I have taken enough frustration out on the new form of the game called 20-20 so won't waste another post on it.

Anyway, this post isn't really about cricket.

A few friends came over and we were having tea while enjoying the cool winter breeze of Sharjah when we noticed the big crowd outside a shop. This was the local satellite shop which usually has a similar rush when matches are on as he puts the tv ON showing the LIVE match while cricket crazy fans watch jumping over one another outside his shop. He should actually sponsor his shop-door when matches are on hehe...that is some quick money...

Being the true sports fan, I thought I'll also see where the Pakistan & West Indies match has reached and how is our team performing. I was disappointed to see that the rush was about the stupid 20-20 game. Anyway, it was more like Pakistan & India considering the Lahore baadshahs had pretty much a better team than today's Paki international team and the Hyderabad Heroes were no short of superstars. That is what money can do and has done. It was not a nail-biter but people enjoyed the boundaries.

The wonderful thing to note was the positive energy.

All people around the shop in the worst of crowds. Jumping on top of another shoulder and trying to get a glance at the game. Discussing strategy, buzz. A smarter guy had brought 2 big bricks to stand on and watch the game. At the end of it, he smartly took them and went back to hide them from where he had brought it. Obviously, this was obviously a regular thing for him.

The whole crowd would clap at a big six or a great catch. I mean its TV guys. But that's how enthusiastic we are about the game. I saw a guy actually cheering the replays as well. That's how deprived he was.

Anyway, I stood wondering. So much of positive energy. So much of will to do something. All it needs is direction. Our religion and our history has made us very emotional & sensitive about the smallest of things. The politicians have used that to run student unions, election campaigns and win elections. They have used that energy to create more monsters out of the student lot which could have been directed to something more positive.

I believe it is never too late. All our country needs is direction and leadership. I wonder who will provide it. Will it be me? Am I up for it? Will I be able to do something? or will I just buckle under the pressure and become one of them. Just another part of the corrupt system.

Can I actually get up there at the most powerful chair in Pakistan and run the country? Make that difference? Re-direct the positive energy for the betterment of Pakistan? ....NAH...Its too big a risk. Enough what ifs come rushing through a blink of a second.

But that is the solution. All we have ever needed and do need right now is the right leadership. Who will provide it? Who will bring the revolution? Not me...will you?


  1. Dude, you hit the chord there. If it weren't for all these selfish rulers of ours, who ALWAYS put their interest ahead of the greater good, things would be a hell of a lot better now. But I must say another thing, that it is also our fault (the masses) in the sense that we never learn and are willing to give these rulers (read looters) another chance after all they've done to screw us up already!

  2. The Pakistan vs W/Indies match was so thrilling. Although I'm not that a big fan of cricket but I really really enjoyed watching that match. It's amazing that both the umpires were cheating a lot (And Sanjay Manjhrekar was literally screaming at that biasness), still Pakistan won :D Yahoooo! That was the best part. :)
