

Yes I have been in Frankfurt, Germany since 8th Feb. Considering its 21st today its been quite a long trip. It was a work related trip but I wouldn't say I didn't get time to look around.

It was hectic and tense in the early few days due to the project implementation but as days went by we sort of settled into it all. Leaving tomorrow to go back home and I feel much more relaxed.

It was a good time of the year to visit as we got to see the German winters. Snowfall and close to minus 5 degrees, we don't exactly get that in UAE or in Karachi. This was the first time I saw snowfall so another check mark on the UTP list called "Things to see/do before I die".

We went out on the 2 weekends. The first one, we went for a City Tour. It was cold and dull but we later realized it was the perfect day to go out cos it was the Carnival. Everybody was out on the streets and dancing in open air. First there was a wannabe funny city guide speaking his German-English who took us through the city tour and then we got off in the middle of the city. It was an experience seeing the carnival with bands marching and throwing away sweets to the people on the sides. We turned kids that day and collected lots of sweets.

This weekend it was even better. We planned a trip to the the opera on the Saturday evening. I had always wanted to see an opera. We went to a show which was an Italian Tragedy. I speak with confidence now as I write but only I know how confusing it was on the day. We laughed for the first hour or so as we didn't get a word of the screaming/crying like singing. Of course it was muffled but there was a moment where we were bursting with laughter with people on our sides giving us the looks. I don't blame them cos there was nothing funny at all. People dying and lovers breaking up, it was that kind of an opera. But it was an experience to have for sure. After the first break, we found an American lady who helped us get the story a bit as she understood German as well. It made a lot of sense in the next 2 hours and I would say it met my expectations of what I had in mind for an opera.

Then today we took a full day pass which could be used on trams/trains/buses. That was a good idea and the cheapest to travel around on a Sunday. We went around changing trams and trains and buses and roamed around the small city. Had some coffee and bread wherever possible. They make some good bread here. We have had many days with no lunch and only some bread. Good variety as well.

It all ended with a nice show of Irish Riverdance. It was a treat to say the least. This was yet another thing that I had wished to watch and I got the opportunity. They had brought good variety of Russian, American and Spanish dance fusion with Irish Riverdance. Pretty interesting.

So a good thing to wrap it all off. Good work put in all through and a nice treat to close out the trip.

Head back home tomorrow, to my family which I am missing for quite a few days now. The calendar year has a lot of travel involved so plan to write a post for each trip.


  1. Ain't travelling the best part of work? Well, ofcourse if not too frequent but I'm all for sporadic trips... good thing u aint a 'female'.

  2. wah wah!! i hope u clicked pictures for me!!
    Keep up the great work and the trips come along :)

  3. wow! germany! experiencing the snowfall must hv been fun...i've seen snow once or twice (thats good enuf considering i live in bombay! ) .. but never seen it falling...

    im nt sure i wud hv ventured to seeing the opera... im really not sure i hv it in me to appreciate it!

    PS-did u eat any frankfurters in frankfurt?

  4. All the wishes come ture Ameen Imagine Abida parveen perfoming opera especially for you

  5. Wow. Germany sounds awesome man. The closest I have been to seeing the snow falls of Germany was through one of the parts of the movie ROCKIE :P

    Sounds as it was a worth while experience. Do share some pix on the blog for us poor deprived people :P

  6. @annie - Rocky? Germany? I think that was Russia in Rocky 4.... no?

    @ammi - They sure do...Abida Parveen..? Opera? Oh plz no no... thats spoils em both... let Abida jee do what she does best and thats SUFI!!!

    @mandira - I saw Frankfurters...couldnt eat cos of the HALAL meat issue...dont know how they taste but didnt look too different...

    @ghazal - I am not a picture-y kinda guy u know...but I got some...lets see how and when can I transfer them from my phone :$

    @uncarved - well I guess so...there is a limit of course... to everything... balance is the key...

  7. Whoops! Ur actually right. I just asked my bro. My bad! :@ Damn!

    All the more reason for you to upload some pics now as now I have

    officially not even seen Germany :(

  8. sounds like a great trip. i used to tell M to make most of his business trips. can you believe that the man was wondering if he should go to see Great wall of China when there! gah!!!!

    and i still havent seen no snow! i mean i have seen l'il in kashmir. but i wanna roll in it and play with snow balls! too amny movies, i know! ;)

    and your Opera story reminds me of Aamir Khan in Dil Chahta hai! :)


  9. [...] ongoing project which took me to Frankfurt in February, took me to the land of the Pharaoh this time. Yes readers, it is true. UTP was in [...]

  10. [...] part of the project I am on, I have been lucky to scream “Frankfurt Helau!!!” and been to the “Land of the Pharoah”. Last month I visited Amman, Jordan, the land of [...]
