
The Feel Good Factor

As we were growing up we were constantly taught about how looking good doesn't matter if you don't feel good inside. It doesn't matter which situation it is feeling good inside will make it happen for you.

It could be a job interview, the first day at a new job, the marriage day, the next big presentation, meeting with a big client, etc. You got to be feeling good inside to be doing good as well. Of course dressing up to look good in such situations is important also but the feel good factor comes from feeling good inside. You got to have your mojo.

Now, I am not too much of a philosopher when it comes to such things (liar!!). My feel good inside thing ends at the vest and underwear. Yes, this is a post about UTP's law of undergarments. I mean when it means to feel good inside is all about wearing the best vest and underwear. The best thing about undergarments is that nobody knows what you are wearing or whether you are wearing them at all and it is really up,close and personal. For some people its a little bit more up and close than personal.

You could be wearing a colorful red underwear with blue polka dots inside but with a perfectly glowing suit with a crispy shirt and tie on top, nobody knows. Accept it or not, on some days you don't feel like wearing it at all. That's the true humans that we really are unfortunately cultured by the modern society.

So that's what I do as well. I got my special set of  crispy new vest and underwear which is kept for un khaas dinon kay liay (those special days). Yes, we men have it too.  It could be a football match for all you know. You have to do the same things you did the last time your favorite team won and that could mean wearing the same underwear as well you did on that day.

They stay and stay in the cupboard until the special day comes sometimes unwashed to keep the lucky charm it had from last time.

In that sense I do become a little superstitious as well cos everything just has to be right on the special day. Right from shaving that extra little hair on my beard line on the neck to wearing the right sock first and then the left one. I just got this subconscious rituals that sometimes even I don't realize. The vest, the underwear, the lucky shirt, the lucky tie... damn ... as I write here I am surprising myself as well with the list.

The important thing to note is that I am so dependent on this feel good factor that if something out of the above goes wrong, I am that teeny-weeny bit less confident. The feel good factor gives me that extra mental edge, that pumped up feeling which is vital when you are on a mission with the goal in sight.

To make this whole feel good factor thing be special and work, you got to be a little more low-key on the normal days. The larger the gap between the feel bad factor and feel good factor is, the better it works. So on the off days, I ll wear my second choice of shoes, my second choice of pants, the yellow shirts, the older socks with a hole on the toe with the lose elastic that keeps slipping down to the ankles, you know...

So when an important day comes, it has the desired effect. I am not crazy right? Are there more people like me out there?

The good thing is that my wife has responded perfectly to this and it used to be a nice leg-puller for her earlier but it has kinda sunk in now towards realization that I need this. That just makes it a doubly-feel-good factor for me with the wife on board as well with my stupid rituals.


  1. LOL. Loved reading every bit of it UTP and I think this is the case with most people and hey it's perfectly normal. Though just wondering... Do people ACTUALLY keep "unwashed" underwear to keep the lucky charm of the day alive??? (errr..... :S)

  2. i think most of us have some sorta lucky charm. i dont. except that oen shirt i had that i wore for interviews. it became too old and shrunk as against me who did just the opposite, so i dunno what is my lucky charm anymore! :)

    time to find out by giving some interviews?!

    LOVED the post!! and yes, i think its perfectly normal. tho wearing second best wont be my cuppa tea!


  3. Erm, does 16-hour-stay-on lipstick count as a feel-good-must-have? :-P

    I don't have any such shoes/clothes/trinkets that are part of my 'feel good'deal but yeah, I don't prefer to wear my spectacles outside my house and I feel a bit removed and unconnected (and hence a bit nervous) when talking to people with them on.

    Entertaining post, UTP :-)

  4. @annie - you will be surprised if people start talking the truth... I know at least one person...

    @abha - aah... it feels good to know I am not crazy or paranoid... hehe...

    @specs - 16 hours? I wouldnt know much about how long lipstick lasts cos I have never tried it :P Specs.. I think Specs are cool...

  5. hehehehe... My good luck charm is myself having one blue car all the times... if I dont have a blue car in my garage then I feel nervous. (and it can be even if someone borrowed it from me)

    p.s. for lipstick why dont you borrow one from MayG & experience it :P

  6. LOL @ the thought of "red underwear with blue polka dots inside but with a perfectly glowing suit with a crispy shirt and tie on top". May be nobody knows but YOU know!!

    I think if you throw your "older socks with a hole on the toe with the lose elastic that keeps slipping down to the ankles" and buy a few more brand new pairs of socks, then probably you would not only feel "good" but "better"...LOL.

    Delightful post UTP.

  7. Specs are cool... on other people :-P

    They're totally uncool when you're eating halwa puri and they slip down your nose and when you push them up, you get a tiny blurry region where you accidentally touched a greasy finger and then you can't see your food properly and you get more and more irritated till... okay, the point of this is, everyone should wear contacts- you never know when you might have to go out for halwa puri

  8. I think you put more thought into your undies than most but that's not a bad thing. I do know sometimes I want to wear my newer ones that make me feel prettier. :)

  9. @puri sahib - blue car... thats pretty interesting... as for the suggestion... thanks but no thanks...

    @celine - thanks... I just threw away 2 pairs of socks in the last few days... hmm whats wrong with me?

    @specs - I wouldnt want to see what I am eating when I am eating halwa puri... the smell and taste is enough... so i keep my point... specs are cool... take em off when you eat halwa puri...

    @lisaschaos - how can undies make someone look prettier... lost in translation..

  10. "The ship's company should change into clean underwear before going into action so that wounds are not contaminated.."

    - The Royal British Navy: 1939 to the present day

  11. Hey dude what's with the sports blogging. I had given it up for a while but I am back now. Saw that you haven't updated the sports section for quite some time. I also wanted to check if we could do a link exchange. Cheers

