
The "Perspective"

Woman: "You are my everything..."

Guy: "You are something out of a lot of other things..."

Woman: "That's mighty honest of you..."

Guy: "That's me...I am honest because I love you..."

If you take the above true story conversation, it just explains how a woman and man look at life. I may be speaking in an Asian, more cultural/traditional perspective but that's what the traditional woman feels once the marriage bond has been created. That is what the whole life is about now. That is who around which her whole life will revolve now, call it kids, family, food, name it and everything in her life is going to be linked to him....

But when it comes from the perspective of the guy, he has a lot more on his plate...and its not only the wife and kids...there is father, mother, siblings which hold as a responsibility in his life just like wife and kids. I am not ignoring the fact that the woman has responsibilities towards her father, mother and siblings also but in this part of the world its not the same. The parents of the daughter do not expect to a level as compared to the son. Even if they do not expect, the responsibility is still greater. That's how things work.

So in the end, it depends on the perspective...while the guy may love the woman no less than she loves him....she can never be "Everything in his life..." She will continue to be "Something amongst other things..."


  1. so true!
    but there's a time for that everything in his the 24 hours that he has, he has to juggle it all, has to put the 'everything' in that slot of time and in that everything, comes her time slot as well. so he should give her the best of himself when his time is for her and her alone! for all the things hshe does for him, all he can do is, save the best of himself for her ;) sorry brother, im a hopeless romantic n i beleive in pixie dust fairy tales! lolz

  2. btw, u can read 'men are from mars...' its a wonderful book that discusses the perspective in an excellent manner :)

  3. very true..but when and who will develop this kind of perspective.Somethings(few which you ev discussed above) are instrinct to Asian men which can never be up lifted..

  4. @ud - well so it is...but its not easy...
    @aashely - always nice to see new people here...thanks for visiting...

  5. Interesting perspective ... !!

    I'm thinking to look at different angles and I'm stuck on this perspective from every angle. I believe the fault lies with women too ... they usually tend to be more husband-and-kids centric after their marriages, other relations DO feel neglected.

    Whatever the both parties get at the end of the day should be of quality :-)

  6. @asma - agreed to the full...quality matters...when quantity is scarce...
