
First Blog

Arright...FINALLY!!! Umar Pirzada i.e. ME...has entered the BLOG WORLD...Lets see what develops...

firstly I thought blogging is for people who are dying for attention hehehe....then I read some blogs of a few friends and then being an NBA fan read again and again how MARK CUBAN the DALLAS MAVERICKS owner...wrote his blogs and got FINED that is asking for trouble...

I finally realized...I am going to give it a shot...whats the worst that could happen...?? I hope that doesnt mean anything hehehe...

Finding a blog URL is tough so many people...most names already taken... now how many people would have the name Umar Pirzada in this world and how many spell it that way well apparently the ideal blog address HAS BEEN TAKEN...and TAKEN MY FOOT there is nothing opening there...I know its a loser who has blocked the entry or something or a corruption in the BLOGGER Database...

Having gone through....heaps of names for my URL...I finally came down to...guess what.... hehehe....

that makes me desperate for attention am i? Well OK so now I will be known around the blog world as MR. Umar Pirzada heheh...I bet no one thought of that...I m going to try to search mrjohndoe and mrbillgates after I am done with this....hehehe.... step...TELL EVERYONE ABOUT off I go....

Oh one more thing...almost forgot...I saw this on other FIRST POSTS....

'My Blog will contain technical articles, stuff about me, jokes and everything that inspires me....'

Hehhe....stereotypical eh...WELL SO THATS THAT....

Thanks for reading till here...and hope you will come back...again...


  1. Well welcome to the world of blogging. You are among friends.

  2. UTP! Welcome to the blogging world!

  3. Umar bhai, welcome aboard, i hope ur enthusiasm for blogging dont get abated as mine has.

    at first its excitement, then its a sense of duty, then its a burden, then its a worry, then its utter disappointment. that is my case, pure laziness!

    ur intro to blogs gives me motiv. to write another one...

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging. Let me link your blog in my friends' blog.
