
Pulling my hair...

I have noticed that my last few blogs reflect a bit of a different mood. I was thinking about writing something in a changed mood, something more lighter. The thing is that when you feel in a certain way then that's how you would tend to write as well. Anyway, I realized that if you really want change your mood, something will happen and will help you do that. For me all it takes is a 10 minute chat session.

So I was talking to Social Geek and the guy said that he has been "Pulling his Hair" due to more and more work. I will not be posting the whole chat conversation but just those 3 words led me to thinking that's how most men lose their hair. That phrase was invented because that's what work would have done and then you start pulling hair.

So hair-fall is not the right term, hair-pull is more like it.

So then us men think about opening our own companies. Once we are tired of pulling our own hair, we decide to run the show and make other workers pull their hair and the chain continues. If the new firm is a joint collaboration and partners then none of the owners pull their hair. Also if the company pays well and the work is good, the workers don't pull their hair anymore. The hair pulling in those cases moves to the client.

I mean the "Pulling my hair" term is too good to be left out of the business process. Take any business process, process cycle, SDLC... Take any industry and whatever process is involved. At least one user/party/entity pulls their hair. Its just amazing that after so many years we have not been able to take these 3 words out of our industries. In fact, I think we should now be documenting it in our Standard Operating Procedures.

Since the clients don't want to pull their hair, they pass it on to their customers. Its a whole chain anyway. So who is at the end of it? The common man of course. All bad things end up happening to the common man. Now if that common man is a person who owns a company or is a worker which he most probably is, the chain just starts again. So it is basically a never-ending chain which leads to pretty much most people start getting bald at a very early age.

Why do you think women are in the fray as well with problems of hair-fall [hair-pull]? They have just entered the work field, the market. Standing toe-to-toe with us men. Welcome to the party girls. But nobody told them that what is a given. "Pulling your hair" is inevitable.

Then come the shampoo companies coming and telling everybody how the weather, hard water and using soap on the hair etc is the root cause of falling hair. What if I tell you there is no such thing as hair-fall? Its all pulling my hair stuff people. In fact that shampoo product idea is also by somebody who wanted to stop pulling his hair for a while and pass it on.

This post has gone in enough circles to end it right now. As abruptly as possible with no summarized....formal end. So there you go...


  1. : ): ): )
    Thanks for a funny read! Came by not so high but your post sure took me there : ) There's something you didn't get quite right though, and that's that women have been hair-pulling from the beginning of their existence! It's just less detectable cuz they can do so much more with their hair and their bald spots go unnoticed!

  2. Hehehe I think that's why some good companies come up with monthly programs such as picnic and other outings - so the team can relax and refill their tank of patience - and as a result there is less chance of hair-pull! This is why I decided to... :P shhhhh .. hehehe - or does the monthly picnic trips also add in some way to the hair-pull effect?

  3. stay at home with the kids for a week and us girls will try acting like *difficult men* and you'll know there far more "hair-pulling" opportunities back home for the women too :P it doesn't have anything to do with entering the workforce dude!
    great post ;D

  4. uh-oh. . .I spent a little too much o shampoos thinking that was the solution !! nice post :)

  5. I'm sure every profession has their share of "hair-pulling" to do. Work is never easy, we always try to get more done in less time - increasing productivity that is ( or at least trying to ), and sometimes bad planning hampers our progress, thus leading to more "hair-pulling", and so the cycle goes on and on and on ... :)

    Happy Hair-Pulling! :)

  6. haha, how much hair pulling went into this post? Then don't forget the fathers having their hair pulled by their kids!

  7. With that theory, you're going to put trichologist out of work very soon!

  8. A very strong factor related to hair-fall is heredity. So, if the father lost most of his crowning glory before he was 50, there is a good chance that the son will too. :D

  9. Salaam Alaikum.

    You've got a great blog here. I was reading "About me", when I read you're from Sukkar too! Great to see another Sukkari's blog!

    I actually wrote abt it in reply to a commentor who asked me my ethnicity. You can read it in the comments of this post:

  10. @teedimensionist - well I guess I cant argue with that ...its only recent that they have come up with shampoos for men...women have been pretty much the target audience...and there must be some reason....for that isn't it?

    @kamran - well those picnics might as well be there to give our scalp a rest...this is usually done in organizations where people pull each other's hair rather than their own...

    @specs - thanks...

    @mayg - hehe...well there are things which are easier to do for women and there are things easier to do for is a given...its just about less or more...and if there is a switch in responsibilities and roles...there is going to be more for each of men and women...hence...lets keep it as is...and lose hair when the time comes and no earlier than that ....heheh...

    @priya - will benefit by coming here more often... :)

    @raza - is it really related to bad planning or being short on time? I don't really think so...some people just pull hair...even when they plan well...they pull hair to get that plan right in the first its just about when you pull it...while planning or while implementing that is a given my friend...

    @amir - actually not least less than a lot other posts...and yes I do know the hair-pulling by kids...but that was not covered here...

    btw...has anyone seen women playing basketball?

    @D - I have no idea about who a trichologist...I could have acted smart, googled and replied like some know-it-all guy but I it must be something to do with hair doctors or is that an advance level of being a psychologist? No idea...I will google though...

    @sidhusaaheb - well with the above may be much earlier than 50 which is true if you see around you...its only because there is more reason to pull hair now than it was in the past...

    @ummAbdullah - thanks for dropping by...I am from Sukker yes...hope to see you more often here...

  11. ohhh so thaaaat's why! enlightening. very enlightening. Although I disagree with the women losing hair because they got into the work force bit. Women are army ants no matter what their work is, at home or in a company..

  12. LOL! Dabur amla hair oil use kero:) LOL

  13. Well till now I did not realize that it is something to "pull". Now i dont know if in great anxious moments or in desparation, I would start pulling my hairs.

  14. After reading this post I realised how often I actually do pull my hair while studying or working. Now you've given me one more excuse to lessen the work/study stress ;)

  15. And this is what Google shows in one of your advertisements on this post:

    Online Hairpulling Help
    The only interactive self help program created by doctors

    There's help available too!! :D

  16. lol.. i like the way u hv the hair loss situation totally worked out..donno if women joining the work force is wat is making them lose their hair( and improving business for hair oils and shapoos) but thats an intersting thot nevertheless !:)

  17. I used to have more hair loss before I started my internship. :/ means its heredity, or do women take more stress when they're at home?
    *Dinky Mind confoosed*
    *starts having more hair loss*

  18. @lujee - well if I take your word then ...I would like to also say that...ants are pretty much bald....who ever heard of a ant with silky long hair...

    @unaiza - but isn't that Resham's favorite choice...? or was it Noor?

    @mirror image - some people are aware of the pulling and some are not...some find out after they pull it so hard in anguish that it comes in the hand... that is a sign of either time to take a vacation or quit the job...

    @anas - so whoever said Google doesn't bring in targeted ads can just come to my website and see a live fact I am now thinking of targeted posts for the ads...isn't that more smarter...?

    @mandira - thats what we have a very few of...interesting thoughts...its always fun to think the unthinked...or unthunk?

    @dinky mind - women just take stress no matter where they are...they will find something to stress about...if they don't find anything to feel stressed about...they will feel stress for not feeling stressed...

  19. Oh wow ... nicely written. Since the day I started my job .. my hair are falling like anything. Not that they were not before but still. reminds me of so many hair-pulling processes aka structured processes of our office too =P

    The price is too high.

  20. If you're done with pulling your hair, please update :P

  21. hair plantaion technique is available in the market otherwise daadi amman's totka list would be beneficial as well..azmaish shert hay:)

  22. hehe nice one umar.. my job has lots of hair pulling moments, until i really put my foot down ke NO! me aint gonna lose my hair anymore... :)

  23. it's 'pulling hair' that makes men go bald...thanks for enhancing my knowledge I know why m y hair are falling so rapidly...

    And I'm with Dinky Mind, please update :)

  24. Salam!

    Came by to wish you a Ramadan Mubarak! I hope this month of peace bestows it's blessings on you and your family!

    All the best!

  25. Interesting analogy, now i know why men take so much stress, they first pull their hair when they are unable to manage too many things, then they go bald which adds up to the stress.. so its a vicious cycle:P

    Can you answer how do then women have longer hair? they dont stress out?
