
Dont Compare Yourself With Anyone...

I read a quote some place which goes as follows,

"Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself." - Alan Strike

I do not know who Alan Strike is but the thought is beautiful and much in line with my beliefs as well. I believe Allah made us all different for a reason. Every single person in this world adds a distinct flavour to this place we call 'The World'. Even if you pick up twins you will notice they are different. So one shouldn't compare himself, or for that matter anyone, with someone else. We are not made to be the same. There would be no use if everybody was the same.

It would be insulting to yourself if you start thinking that you should have been somebody else or you should try and become someone else. Firstly, its not possible and secondly if you do manage to become someone else then who would fill the gap that you would have created. That gap is to be filled by you and you only. As I have written earlier also, its a world with cause-and-effect. That hole could have its different repercussions.

Everybody is here for a reason and one of the first jobs we should get on is not to work in the best multinational company in the world but rather towards finding out that reason. Why am I here? Whats my role?

Only when you are able to answer the above will you start focusing towards the correct route and the useful route. Success then follows. You can be that expected somebody.

Just while writing this post, I just remembered my school principal and with that the famous line "It's OK to be different..." which is on her office door. You read it while you enter into her office. I have already written about this before so am linking it to this one again.

Be yourself, everybody else is already taken.... :)


  1. so true!~

    be urself, everybody else is taken!

  2. so true!~

    be urself, everybody else is taken!

  3. [...] [...]

  4. @ghazal - so "so true" is your Takia Kalam from now on heheh....interesting...

  5. That is correct. If Allah wanted us all the same, we would be the same. So it is beyond pointless to try to compare ourselves against any other individual other than ourselves. For instance, we shouldn't get resentful or jealous just because so-and-so is blessed/lucky with this or that, and we're not. Each person is a different person, in different circumstances, in a different situation.
