
Sympathy Selling

Very recently my focus has turned towards entrepreneurship. While I am part of the corporate slave community at the moment, the thought of entrepreneurship has been recurring. I have a feeling, something’s gotta give soon.

Proud to be married to an entrepreneur who actually has creativity and has the courage to go out in the world and make things happen. I wish I could do that as well. All I can do at the moment is share my ideas to be sponsored by my employer and be implemented within the company saving millions or making millions. It could all be so much different. I could do this all for myself.

Funnily, my mother and my sister have got entrepreneurial applications to their ideas as well. Surrounded by female entrepreneurs where makes me proud also asks some serious questions to that manly ego. Its all about the ego isn’t it? Heheh…

So, I have already decided I need to at least trek towards that thought and explore my potential. Maybe I just don’t have it. However, in order to start something of my own, I need the foundation and I am not just talking financial capital. This involves a lot of things which doesn't fit this post. It will all come in another one. But while on the same chain of thoughts, one thing sprung up which was pretty interesting which led to this post.

One of a close trusted acquaintance of mine told me that while you are trying to build a business presence remember the golden rule of trends. You have to bring in the philanthropic edge to your punch line. First I went, “Whaaaa?” A voice from within in the tone of the Godfather said, “Umar... The Philanthropic Edge...”. After the awe ended of Marlon Brando speaking to me, I still went, “Whaa???” Then the acquaintance continued, you need to add something to your product which indicates that you are not just trying to make money but also doing something good for others. The sociological impact. You have to at least show you are giving back to the society in some way. He further indicated to look around at what the biggest corporations are doing and I would know what he is saying.

So all those advertisements and celebrities, even government officials marketing came like a slide show and a few PowerPoint presentations in the head.

It started making sense. Sympathy sells. If I say, 1% of all of our earnings goes to charity; it is supposed to increase sales. If I say, a part of every sale goes to feed the poor or pay for a poor kid’s school fees, it sells. Oh yeah, another cool thing these days is "Go Green". If I say, my product is a little more expensive because I support going Green, low carbon foot print, recycle, save the sun etc etc, it sells at whatever price I want.

Do you get it how we are being fooled? How pathetic. Whats more pathetic is they actually call this marketing and being creative. HA!

My mother works at a regional social support organization. She helps build livelihoods for talented skill-workers from villages. She has helped them realize the value of their talent. The women are saving money to spend on education for their children or expanding their business. The work from villages has gone to be noticed by some designers internationally as well. Quite cool right? Read further.

Another lady buys that stuff from my mom in PKR (Pakistan Rupee) and sells the same stuff in an international market without converting the amount. She only converts the currency. It sells as well, same amount different currency. The selling tactic, sympathy. She has a scam of pictures of some artisans she downloaded from the Internet on her web presence. She has a real nice story to go with her marketing gimmick. Do people buy it? They already bought it. I am going on a mission to cut this stupid scam and try to get the money back to where it really deserves to go. If a 3rd person can sell it for that kind of money. Why not the 1st person? Maybe make some money for my mom as well in the process who deserves it for her efforts.

The biggest sympathy selling has been observed in the recent elections of Pakistan. A certain nobody in politics is sitting on the highest chair of the country. Everybody knows how. Nobody dares say it. Here I am bringing on an assassination threat on to me. Sympathy votes. Sympathy selling. Who gained the most from the recent assassination of a major political player in Pakistan? It wasn’t Zorro. It was some other Z who pees his initial on the wall of our beloved country and on the whole of the population of Pakistan.

Anyway, let’s end this here. I got my point across. Needed to let out some frustration of how easily we are being fooled. If you want to help somebody. You don’t have to go and buy a pack of washing powder to give 1% out of it. You can just go and give that 1% yourself directly to the needy. If you want to sponsor somebody for education, you can find it yourself. No need to get into this marketing gimmick of getting your sympathy money.

These people will do anything these days to make a sale. They can even kill for it so watch out. That goes for me as well :P.


  1. *applause*...i cn fully relate to wht u hav jottd down!But thn ain't "sympathy" marketing gimmickz workz everywhr In the world!th whole csr thg stems frm it
