
The Reality of Me (The Human)

Actually, I decided to update this post a little more for more completeness. Just the poetry (that follows below) doesn't justify what led me to it. I was inspired by a good friend who brought to notice this first Ayat from Surah Al-Insaan.

Allah asks us...

The explanation of the above is basically towards the fact that we as humans can so easily flaunt ourselves with pride. With the small achievements in life, we feel, we are kings and in control of whatever we want to do. Pride (Ghuroor) is one of the most disastrous things that a human could develop. As that leads to other big sins and eventually away from Allah.

Allah reminds us by asking that question. There was a long time before Man when there was No Man. There were other creations like Jinn, Angels, maybe others we don't even know. However,  in the infinite time that only Allah knows, man is not even worth mentionable.

So, then Man was built from sand, or clay to be more specific as mentioned in the Holy Quran, this Surah explains the reality of me (the human). Surah-e-Insaan further explains how what we are when we are born and we forget who we were as we grow up. Easily fooled that what we are doing is based on our own strengths and talent and not by Allah's will.

Lot of thought depth led from that single Ayat. I think that is the beauty of The Holy Quran. Every Ayat has so much too ponder over.

Got inspired and with inspiration comes out a little Shayari (poetry)...

Kabhi Kehta Hay Khaak ka Zarra hoon mein...
Kabhi Kehta Hay Dunya mein Ashraf-ul-Makhlooqaat...
Koi yeh mujhay bata dey "Kyon" aur "Kya" hoon mein...
Jo Uss nay chaha tha ... Woh tou na bana hoon mein...
Samajh kee baat yeh hay ~Umar...  Mitti say bana hoon mein....
Aur Mitti hee mein ja mila hoon mein...


Some where He says I am a grain of sand [1]
Some where He says I am the highest of all His creations
Can somebody tell me "Why" and "What" I am
What He wanted... I have certainly not become...
The thing to understand ~Umar is... I have been made from Sand...
And I have gone and mixed with the Sand [2]

[1] - "Grain of Sand" - The smallest particle possible as in of minimal (close to zero) value in this world
[2] - "Mixed with Sand" is used in the context of getting Ruswa (disgraced, insulted, humiliated, defamed) in life


  1. and man lives as he'll never die.
    Can u understand "punjabi"?
    Bulleh shah says;
    Bulleh Shah asan marna nahi, gor paya Koi Hor”
    Man thinks, to whom we are burying now and to whom we are putting in the ground is not one of us...and we are immortal so'll never taste the death.

  2. Great shairi, great thought. But come to think of it, even sufi saints like Bhulle Shah didn't know the answer to this question:

    "Bullah ki jana mein kon" ...

  3. That is true but I think they asked the question... some times for the things that are inexplainable or not answerable ... things that are beyond our capability of thought.... it is important enough to ask the question...

    In the effort to find an answer to that question.... Baba Bulley Shah answered so many other questions.... and so did the other sufis.... and so would we ...find so many answers...

    To ask or not to ask... should never be the question...

  4. You've raised a good point here because Pride is the "one" thing that deviated arabs from the siratul mustakeem. Allah almighty says in the quran that they had realized/established in their hearts that Prophet Mohammad PBUH was the final prophet, and that he is truly a messenger sent from Allah, but their pride, that how can we follow a "man" who wants us to believe in one Allah, whereas our ancestors didn't believe in His oneness.

    And it was their "pride" that will take them to hell. Pride, self love must be closely watched. MAY Allah subhana wa taaala guide us to the right path and grant us a place in heavens, ameen.

    jazak Allah khair.

  5. Probably arrogance is a better word for Guroor.
    Probably pride is a word for self esteem,which is not bad.

  6. It is said that humility is the foundation of all other virtues. Being humble is being wise, that prepares our mind for all possible changes in our lives.

  7. @leemz - for sure... it kills the soul and the link with Allah, the sudden false belief that it is I and not "HIM" that is giving the success... but as you can see from the Ayaat... we have been asked the question and reminded of what we really are? Mitti (sand)...

    @dannish - I would tend to agree with you on that but pride is also not one of the positive elements in life...self-esteem too is not good if it starts making you believe, its you ... who is making it happen?

    @celine - oh absolutely... absolutely true...

  8. Hey UTP u didn't welcomed me to ur blog...It means everyone is not welcomed here.

  9. @manomoon - sorry buddy... thank you so much for coming here. Welcome... just trying to get back to replying to messages habit. I know its rude.

    Hope to see you visiting regularly. Do you blog?

  10. Thanx u welcomed me, otherwise I decided to follow this blog secretly.
    No, i don''t blog...i m thinking of having one though.
    I wanna blog bcoz I have so many white paged diaries with black and blue marks of my poetry, sketches, writing pieces etc, just thinking to share with others some day.
    And secondly my pathetic "Angrezi".I m just improving it.

  11. amazing post! a trip to your own soul

  12. @mano moon - Its simple friend. Just open up something on wordpress. No need for one's an angrezdaan here... put it up for everybody to read and you ll enjoy the blogosphere...

    @lizzie - long time... it was yes... it was... inspired...

  13. Actually i blog but can not copy my writings from ma diaries, like to copy and type takes time which i m running short of.
    I m thinking of having one with no blabbers and bakwasat but purposeful your blog where one would drop and find it worthy to drop again and again.So just hope I'll complete it's settings soon.
