

OK, you have to give that credit to me. Nobody thought of that breakup for Google, right? Hopefully they don't sue me. Well that is what came to my mind when I read this particular story a few days back.

The excerpt says that since Google can be used to search for obscene & controversial material and even after repetitive messages to Google to take that stuff off their Chinese version of Google Search has gone to no avail, Chinese authorities who control what is accessed through the Internet can actually block GOOGLE. 

(THAT WAS ONE BIG SENTENCE...out of breath!!!)

Only the Chinese could do that by the way or even think about doing that. I mean who blocks Google? How will we live? breathe? Amazingly, I wouldn't be surprised if they get their way at it also. Google may just bow down considering the numbers mentioned in the above linked BBC story of the potential growth of Internet usage in China and of course with Internet comes the Number One search site, Google. I will be following this story and see how it eventually ends up.

But back to my creative Great OOGLE!!! I mean I am so happy that there is that element of creativity somewhere in me. Living around creative people like my wife, its always a war between me and my inferiority complex.

Anyway, I am sure the name and the now famous brand "Google" didn't come up that way. In fact, I think I should read about how it did come up. I think I will just "GOOGLE" it? Right?

Yes, people this is a great Brand which has now become part of our normal language. I am really amazed with how some  brands just become part of our normal language.

For example, lot of people don't even call em diapers any more. They are just Pampers. Did you get "Pampers"? Rose Petal hay? Could I have some Kleenex? I believe they are called tissues in some parts of the world. Put some Dettol on it?

There are millions of such things that have become part of our lives and those Brand Managers earn millions for ensuring that it stays that way.

Anyway, I ll end this post with yet another iteration of my re-found creativity (yes, I know I am over-doing it).

Just do the Great-OOGLE People!!! Just GOOGLE!!!


  1. That's quite amazing news...
    do keep us updated about that :)

  2. well nice to know ... the reality in Tech


  3. @jingoist - updates after that one...

    @YouTee - oh yes...even Google doesnt get away...

  4. its called generic names. there are a lot of examples for such brands. Scotch Tape. Post-its. get the drift?

    btw, ur Great Oogle ranks right up there with mayg' Hubby B. :P

  5. @sid - thank wasn't MAYG's Hubby B, that post was written and copyrighted by UTP...notice the UTP unwinds...
