
Thinking You Can or Can't

I came across a nice little quote that really made me think.

"Whether you think u can or you think u can't, you are right - Henry Ford"

I mean that's all there is to it, isn't it? If you think you can do it, you can. If you think you can't, you won't. The most amazing thing about these great quotes and the people who said them is that they say so much with just a few words. I guess that's the difference between me and them. I will make a blog-post out of it trying to get the essence out of it heheh...

"Yes, We Can!!" is something that was exploited in a humorous way in the movie "The Nutty Professor". No not the Jerry Lewis one, I am talking about the Eddie Murphy-in-all-roles one. "Yes, We Can!!" was used as a catch phrase in losing weight where the trainer shouted "Ladies, tell me you can. We can lose weight. Yes, we can." You know all that drama, getting-to-you, Oprah BS.

Its all in the head. Our brains have so much capacity that even we cant imagine. We have been stretching the limit since life came into existence. Look at where we started out and where we are today as humans. In every day and age there have been people, who believe, who think they can and those are the people who make the difference and move us one step ahead. I mean, just think what addition you as a person have made to this world. If you have been just getting up every morning, going to the routine life of work, school, college and coming back watching TV etc then basically you are no different than most people in this world. Imagine, if everybody was like that, we wouldn't have moved ahead and I would certainly not be writing a blog-post on a "computer" while being connected to the "Internet" (just to name a few inventions.)

So if you get the slightest of feeling to do something, change that something, make that difference, just believe in it and DO IT. You are still better off than us couch potatoes or wannabe philosophers and thinkers.

I would have loved being so famous that NIKE would have sponsored this post but unfortunately I got a long way to go. Anyway I will steal their famous punch line to end this post,



  1. Great post. I love reading your motivational entries! :)

  2. cudnt agree with you more. it was a nice post :)
    esp for someone as lazy as me:$

  3. p.s that reminds me that i have to get bk to your previous motivational mondays!

  4. Great motivational post! I have noticed that as I get older it's harder to get my brain to cooperate with this can do attitude. Wonder if there's any reason to that or if I've just gotten too lazy.

  5. you know i read the "DO IT" in your post and nike popped up in my head..then i found a few lines later, it dint occur to me alone.

    nice post...

    on a slightly divergent note, i must mention inspite of ur inspiring post, i still maintain that laziness doenst pay but sometimes it is very soul for eg.sleeping late on a cold winter day instead of jumping out of bed n going for a walk or smthing..get the drift na?

  6. I motivate myself with the same thing when I have to get uo from the bed in the morning... my heart says I CANT and i tell it YES YOU CAN YOU DAMN THING... hhehehe....
    so yes Just do it...

  7. Yes I motivate myself with the same thing when I have to get up every morning... my heart says I CANT and I tell it YES YOU CAN YOU DAMN THING... hehehe
    so it really works for me...
    Say Just do it...

  8. @amr adel amin - you do...? wow..thanks...

    @mubi - hehe...motivation does not guarantee elimination of laziness...but maybe exploring that logic is for some other day and some other blogpost :P

    @lisa - does lose energy, vigour and to some extent interest as well with time and age...but once that feeling comes back and one keeps at just builds on it...laziness is not a disease...btw hhehe...

    @mandira - thats an extra point for NIKE branding...satisfying? hehe...I would tend to agree...and me being the kind of get the drift!!

    @afaque - heheh...getting up from thats a start...

  9. Its really a good quote. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. May be if you dig out more you find it out that the same quote of Henry Ford might be the inspiration for NIKE to set their PUNCH LINE =D

    btw you can find several other punch lines.. one of them is KAR DEKHAO or Lagey Dum Mitey ghum ..haha... i dunno to which that belong but thats how they take it!

  11. @lubna - :)

    @jingoist - there you go MINGLISH hehhe...i hope you voted...on the poll...

  12. Its been a long time that I started manoeuvring myself into the blogging life style again, and hence just was just browsing and read your post. It's actually quite amazing to see how human psyche works. They say thinking and deciding to do something is winning half the battle and as you pointed out rightly, its all in the head.

    This conversation can lead to a very religious as well as a philosophical discussion as well, when thinking how is one to know what is expected of him from life. Is he just a person who is told what to do or one who thinks and does. but thats something we can talk abt later. but interesting thoughts lead to innovation and a fresh and healthy mind.

    Keep up the good work man ...

  13. This quote is very very tricky and deceptive. It gives you a lot of hope and pumps you up with its simple view while hiding all the difficulties, probably because for the person who said it, they don't exist. People fail as well in this world. There are four possibilities, if you'll indulge and not be bored immediately:

    - people who think they can and they can
    - people who think they can and they can't
    - people who think they can't and they can
    - people who think the can't and they can't

    Why do you think you can't do something? Probably because you suck at it and you know. There is only hope if you don't know, ignorance being bliss thing. The guy who said it didn't care to mention the problematic parts because he could do it and he did it. What he couldn't he didn't, that's why we don't remember Ford for the theory of relativity or inventing the microchip.

  14. I agree with this motivational post and my attitude also like NIKE ... JUST DO IT , even i also don't wait for right time and resources and Do IT because i know i can do it and followers will also get benefit ....


  15. @jingoist - I cant help think of jinga-la-la-hum when i see your offence meant...

    @raza ali - woah...didnt see through that aspect of the quote at all..and I think you made a lot of sense there...I need a keener eye...too...

    @youtee - positivity can take us places where we wouldnt believe we can...its something like magic...
