
The Fan vs The Man

One thing I love doing is comparing the role of a ordinary things to other things which have life, have a role in life or life itself. Here is another one of those. I got inspired to write about this after waking up this morning and just opening my eyes to see the pedestal fan swaying and giving a breezy wind so that I could sleep well.

Isn't that how we are also? Or should be anyway? It depends on where you are in your life. The responsibilities of standing tall and being there to sway a comforting breeze to everyone you are responsible for. From left to right...and back to left and keep at it without stopping as otherwise they will be disturbed.

How about also thinking that the fan actually just passes on the air it receives from behind at a more swift pace so that it seems more comforting...but that wind maybe of no use if its coming from in front of a stove. It has to be fresh from an open window or the AC even. We as humans also need support along with providing to others. Whatever comes as training and our experience from our past we sway it to our future responsibilities in a nicer way after learning from our mistakes.

Fan is powered by electricity also just like we are with our care. We need to be serviced and be at top notch just like the fan in order to be at the best of our duties. We have different moods just like the fan has its fan speed. The fastest speed with no swaying may not always be comfortable just like we wouldn't if we are shouting or being angry all the time. The best is a middle speed with a sway so that maximum area is covered under the breeze. Maximum responsibilities attended to...and with a more comfortable mood and less energy wasted.

So there it is...the analogy of Man vs the Fan.


  1. I envy ur observation....MashAllah it's good to see how u can relate two seemingly unrelated things :)
    On a lighter note there lies one difference b/w the two though....a man can hang himself from a ceiling fan to commit suicide but a fan can't hang itself from a man (precisely from his neck) to stop working :P

  2. @fariha - Yes, thank you...hehe...
