
Getting Over the Writer's Block

I have been staring at the "Add New Post" screen for the weekend which will end in a few more hours. I have being wanting to write something but just can't seem to get myself to write. One of my fellow blogger had said once that this is the typical situation called "the writer's block". There is a cure and that is to get the fingers talking without any peer pressure.

This means write out whatever you think without thinking of the "perfect" topic to write on. Sometimes there aren't any topics around and it doesnt have to always make sense when you write. The best thing about writing is that even if you feel you are not making sense, you are. Thats the amazing thing about writing.... and reading for that matter.

The same line could mean different for different people. Hence the most nonsensical piece of writing still has the probability of making sense for someone out there. The probability is freakishly low considering firstly that somebody has to come read this post and secondly he/she needs to make sense out of it. Considering the no. of hits I am getting these days, I wouldn't count on it.

But thats the second point to remember when trying to come out of the writer's block. You dont need to worry about the audience or the reader. You just write for the love of it. I think I realize what I am doing. I am just writing and letting the words just get completed into a phrase and into a sentence to a paragraph and I already have 4 para-blogpost in place. I feel like writing more. Maybe another blog-post after this one.

I think a blogger needs to remind himself consistently that he didn't start blogging for the sake of somebody else. He started writing for himself and we are back in business. So, this one is for myself and for all those fellow bloggers who can just realize from this post, how easy it is to get out of a writer's block.


  1. So true.... and you won't believe i wrote my fav page of HALL-OF-SHAME, exactly the same way!
    I still find it interesting to read that and you would really enjoy reading this post may be after a few months or more!
    keep writing :) I hope to see more of that =D

  2. ahem.. yawn :P where have you been?
