
Didnt feel the urge to write...

Hello - this is UTP. Yes still alive.

OK the urge was there but honestly, I don't know what happened, but I just switched off from blogging mode. It may have been real concentration on my studies which are looking quite difficult now with the exam day coming near quickly. It was going fine until last week where I switched off from studies as well. Then there is Ramadan also which took up a lot of time and for the good reasons also. I am hoping to get back to study routine from tomorrow.

I think that is something that I lack. Consistency. I need change too soon. Some people call that immature. I don't think I am immature but I may be in denial. Sounds strange coming from a married, father of a 2.5 year old. I know, that is quite strange.

In the midst of buying a mobile phone cum blogging machine. I am trying to decide between a Nokia E90 and a Nokia E71. I have spent hours on the Internet this past week reading on the options. HTC Touch Pro, Blackberry, Nokia, etc. Am down to these 2. I want a good phone with good web browsing, wi-fi and easy typing abilities.

Any suggestion on the above considering lots of people still come to read here? I am amazed by the dedication of you readers. Seriously amazed. SALUTE you while feeling all embarrassed to not keeping this blog up-to-date. Please accept apologies and don't give up on me.

I will be back soon. Do let me know your opinion on E90 vs E71? or any other recommendation. What do you use to blog and browse? Thanks so much.


  1. Been there, done that!

    No idea about cellphones. A person using an ancient Samsung (me, that is) will hardly have any suggestions for buying a smartphone. :neutral:

  2. Funny, I had a rather similar period, somehow being a bit out of the blogging mode. I believe it is good to pay attention to what is alive in us rather than just try to follow a certain routine and meet certain expectations, so, do not worry, you are in our Google Readers and we will spot you when you wake up again.
    Nokia: just bought E90 for my wife last month. It is great, I can only recommend it. A bit too big if you want to carry it in your pocket, but that's the only drawback (and the only reason why I prefer my N958GB and use a bluetooth foldable keyboard occasionally, when in need of a lot of typing). Apart from this, it is a beautiful gadget. Typing is great, the screen is fantastic...

  3. forgot to say: I would worry, in case of E71, that the keyboard may be just too small to really be usable. I guess it is good to try them both and see which one feels better in your hands.

  4. I stopped blogging for a while myself. Sometimes you just become so involved with life... that along with laziness makes no room for blogging. Heh.

    Anyway, it's good to see you writing again.

    And as for the phone: Robert is right. You have to see which one will provide a more comfortable typing experience for you. I myself owned an HTC Universal and an HP hw6945. The Universal had the best mobile keyboard I have ever used but it was way too bulky. I ended up getting the hp with the worse keyboard because it was smaller. Eventually my fiancee took that phone and now I just carry my macbook for my mobile computing needs.

    See which one is better for you! :)

  5. Dedication is facilitated by Google Reader. :D

    I hope you get over the writer's block soon. :)

  6. I wouldn't say its immature, its just your mood. Consistency and routine work for some people, but not for others. Its the active mind.

    Sorry, idea...that's one vice I stay away long as my phone works and gives me the features I need...good enough :) I don't keep track of the latest and greatest.

  7. The hiccups. Inevitable. You start blogging twice a day and not many days after time comes when you dont even want to open thy own blog.

    Happen brother. But we'll wait for you still =)

  8. best of luck for the exams...blogging can wait till they are over...
    cant tell you which cell phone is is not my thing.... i use good old IE /Mozilla to blog!

  9. Regarding cell phones, I have no idea about E90 and E71 but I would suggest to consider iPhone...

  10. What do I use to blog and browse?! Certainly not a phone!
    Guys and their gadgets! Tsk tsk!
    I'm glad you're still alive and wish you all the best with your studies : )
    Don't feel guilty or bad for not updating your blog, we'll be here to read when you feel like writing : )

    Hope the last days of Ramadan bring you God's blessings!

  11. I use N95(8gb), works fine for me. The only disadvantage is the lack of a proper keyboard unlike the e-series. But then there are other plus points :)

  12. Well i'd go with E71 as i'm also in the process of buying one.
    btw eid mubarak monsieur..have fun:)

  13. Happens I guess to everyone. I have my swings too. But then there are creative phases as well so its all gud :)
