

I was recommended by someone as to not open up too much on my "NAZAR lagti hay"...It got me thinking...I am one of the most paranoid people for Nazar and keep reciting Teesra Kalma and 4 Quls unconsiously....and I didnt think of that...

Where does one draw the line? Does anybody else think the same way? Serious bloggers blog about anything and that include their personal lives as well....

I was thinking about it and I think the recommendation is right....need to be a bit conservative on the blogging...its after all my personal life...more towards life and my version of experiences from now on....

Nothing much to tell today....other than the fact that the training started...and its just wonderful Alhumdulillah...enjoyed as I was getting it heheh...Its almost more fun when its that way...the 9 other people in the training are from various countries so quite an experience interacting with people from different cultures and backgrounds....

Continues tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Umar Ada...just make it a rule for everyone to say Mashallah when they are reading abt ur successful life (here i wud say Mashallah too)and yeah i do think the same way but i doubt this blogging nasha wud ever let me stop scribbling abt my personal life :)
