The New & Effective Logic of Appraisals
Appraisals is something that we professionals wait for the whole year for and as soon as we get it, the countdown starts again...365, 364, 363... For the management its the other way around. 1, 2, 3.... if you know what I mean. Its that way anyway these days especially. There have been many companies who are telling their employees that there will be no appraisals this year and they are lucky they have a job. Maybe that is true. But anyway, the appraisals are never enough anyway. We never feel compensated for our efforts.
70 Top Tips to Generate Blog Traffic
Well the post topic is no marketing gimmick. You will get exactly what you came here for. All credit to Dr. Sandy who is on a mission to help all bloggers out there. He writes really well and here is one of his posts that was exactly what I was looking for. Everything in one place.
If you are a blogger, this is what you need to read and try to get moving on your readership numbers. It all makes sense to me at least. Here is the link.
This is where I picked up some ideas of joining the Blog Catalog and join the social network for bloggers. The post also mentions Twitter and loads of different things u can do. They all sound simple when read in one place.
All the best bloggers. Rule the world!!!
If you are a blogger, this is what you need to read and try to get moving on your readership numbers. It all makes sense to me at least. Here is the link.
This is where I picked up some ideas of joining the Blog Catalog and join the social network for bloggers. The post also mentions Twitter and loads of different things u can do. They all sound simple when read in one place.
All the best bloggers. Rule the world!!!
The Marble Floor & The Marble Statue
Let me begin this post with a story,
In a nice museum, there is a beautiful marble statue that people from around the world come to see and praise. The statue is placed on a marble flooring.
One day the marble flooring asks the statue, "How come you came out to be so beautiful? We are both picked from the same location in the world. We came through the same process and yet look at me. People walk over me all day just to come see you and praise you. Even though I am marble too but I am of no value to anybody. Its just fate. I have some very bad luck while you have all the good luck."
The statue replies, "My friend. Its more than just luck. Its a good lesson to remember the time when the sculptor wanted to break you. Hurt you. At the time you said no. You didn't allow him to touch you. You were reluctant and you had pride at the time and didn't want to get broken. I, on the other hand allowed him to work on me. Look what he has made me into. While you remain the marble floor that every other marble piece who did the same is as well. I got the opportunity to be different and more importantly, unique."
Isn't that how we are also? We would want to play safe most of the times. We want to take the easy way out, always trying to get the best deal without taking too many risks. However, its important to realize that its the mistakes that we make is what makes us better people. What would we have been if we were just some perfect souls? Probably quite boring and robotic. We are not perfect souls anyway.
Unless we tread that difficult path. Unless we try new things. Unless we are willing to try something different. There wouldn't be any progress. It would all be a monotony and just to add, a complete waste of life.
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.
How can you know your true potential unless you stretch it? How can we ever become what we are supposed to be unless we come out of our comfort zone? Just ask yourself this.
We are unique individuals in our own selves. However, not everybody makes the best of their lives in the truest sense. Its all about the choices we make. Keep making the choices that stretch you and you will keep improving.
Remember, its your choice to be the ordinary marble floor or the beautiful statue. Its in your hand.
Toilet Cynicism
Yes its time for the toilet post again. I don't know how long you guys have been reading here cos this is sort of a continuation of one of my favorite posts, Public Toilet Probability Analysis.
There are many public toilets where you see notices like, "Do not flush tissues in the toilet" or something of the sort. It was very recently when I was sitting and clearing up the system (:P) when I thought about this particular line. Why do they not want us to flush tissue paper down the loo?
Of course the obvious reason is that it could clog the drains but hey, if that were so they would write it in every toilet you find. That is however not true. What if there is a bigger conspiracy? What if they take the tissue from the bin and extract your DNA from it? It is very easy to do so if done in some fixed time as long as the DNA is alive. They could then easily place it in locations like big time murders or you know any possible scene of the crime.
I couldn't think of a better explanation.
Keeping that in mind, I keep a special eye on the person immediately going in after me. Is he in a real hurry? I mean yeah he could be if all the other toilets were empty and he was waiting for the first one to open to crash in. But if other toilets were empty, why is he in such a hurry? He could be after that tissue I just used.
I might just wait around a bit longer to watch him come out also. Was he fully dressed? Obviously hiding something inside. Possibly the equipment that extracts DNA from the tissue?
Cant be too careful these days u know? Its a bad bad world out there. Am I being overly-cynical?
There are many public toilets where you see notices like, "Do not flush tissues in the toilet" or something of the sort. It was very recently when I was sitting and clearing up the system (:P) when I thought about this particular line. Why do they not want us to flush tissue paper down the loo?
Of course the obvious reason is that it could clog the drains but hey, if that were so they would write it in every toilet you find. That is however not true. What if there is a bigger conspiracy? What if they take the tissue from the bin and extract your DNA from it? It is very easy to do so if done in some fixed time as long as the DNA is alive. They could then easily place it in locations like big time murders or you know any possible scene of the crime.
I couldn't think of a better explanation.
Keeping that in mind, I keep a special eye on the person immediately going in after me. Is he in a real hurry? I mean yeah he could be if all the other toilets were empty and he was waiting for the first one to open to crash in. But if other toilets were empty, why is he in such a hurry? He could be after that tissue I just used.
I might just wait around a bit longer to watch him come out also. Was he fully dressed? Obviously hiding something inside. Possibly the equipment that extracts DNA from the tissue?
Cant be too careful these days u know? Its a bad bad world out there. Am I being overly-cynical?
I have recently entered the Twitter Realm as well. I was more dragged into it by my wife cos we just love doing things together :$. There was however another news that had caught my attention early this year and I had kept it for a trackback post. You might have heard it as well.
That is pretty much the first time I heard about Twitter. Maybe it was a marketing gimmick. Whatever it was, it worked. Its like half of the world is crazy about Britney and rest for Obama or maybe a little more on Britney's side but in any case, it worked. Just like I heard about it so would a lot of others.
Next step, my wife joins twitter and I follow. I get two accounts made. One UTP & get All Sports Fans on as well. But the breakthrough was attending Dubai Twestival. I met other UAE twitters under one roof and was part of something special in the twitter world. Twestival was being celebrated all around the world on that day and twitterers or tweeters (still getting the hang of it) were meeting all around the world in respective cities.
Anyway, I think I am going to stay on twitter for a while cos I think I can find some good use for it. TwitterFeed is what is getting each post from here to my twitter page and I am touching another different reader audience altogether.
Moreover, I am getting the opportunity to live-tweet sports matches using All Sports Fans. Yes I am living my dream of being a commentator with people following me. Currently am doing the Dubai Tennis Championships.
You can follow All Sports Fans on Twitter through
You can follow UTP through
It is great to find some bloggers there and whoever I have recognized I have started following. However, I know there are heaps of my readers out there who I couldn't recognize. Appreciate if you could follow me so I know who u r on Twitter.
OH BTW...a little achievement, I touched 50 regular subscribers on UTP. Not a big number but sort of a little achievement for me. Thanks for making this blogging experience so special. It wouldn't be the same without you people.
If you haven't already, subscribe to UTP by using a Feed Reader for RSS FEED or subscribe to Get Blog Posts via EMAIL
That is pretty much the first time I heard about Twitter. Maybe it was a marketing gimmick. Whatever it was, it worked. Its like half of the world is crazy about Britney and rest for Obama or maybe a little more on Britney's side but in any case, it worked. Just like I heard about it so would a lot of others.
Next step, my wife joins twitter and I follow. I get two accounts made. One UTP & get All Sports Fans on as well. But the breakthrough was attending Dubai Twestival. I met other UAE twitters under one roof and was part of something special in the twitter world. Twestival was being celebrated all around the world on that day and twitterers or tweeters (still getting the hang of it) were meeting all around the world in respective cities.
Anyway, I think I am going to stay on twitter for a while cos I think I can find some good use for it. TwitterFeed is what is getting each post from here to my twitter page and I am touching another different reader audience altogether.
Moreover, I am getting the opportunity to live-tweet sports matches using All Sports Fans. Yes I am living my dream of being a commentator with people following me. Currently am doing the Dubai Tennis Championships.
You can follow All Sports Fans on Twitter through
You can follow UTP through
It is great to find some bloggers there and whoever I have recognized I have started following. However, I know there are heaps of my readers out there who I couldn't recognize. Appreciate if you could follow me so I know who u r on Twitter.
OH BTW...a little achievement, I touched 50 regular subscribers on UTP. Not a big number but sort of a little achievement for me. Thanks for making this blogging experience so special. It wouldn't be the same without you people.
If you haven't already, subscribe to UTP by using a Feed Reader for RSS FEED or subscribe to Get Blog Posts via EMAIL
What is Happiness?
Other than success, another thing on people's wish-list is happiness. I read an excellent definition of happiness which deserves mentioning,
Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love grace and gratitude.
I want to focus on the word gratitude here. Look around you. Look at all the miseries people have to live with. No food. No water. Sickness, disability. If you put up your sincere eye, you will notice how sad this world really is.
Then look at yourself. No matter how many things you can find that are wrong with you and your life, I can assure you there is much more sadness around you. However, if one takes an approach of gratitude and being thankful, you will realize that one is better off just counting his blessings and saying "Thank You".
So as the definition says, happiness is something that comes from within. It is more spiritual than anything else. If one wants to feel happy, he will. If he doesn't want to, no matter how many blessings he really has, he will never be able to see or recognize them. He is already got the mindset of complaining and being discontent.
My friends. Here comes the essence of it all. If happiness is spiritual then it is in our control. We can choose to be happy or not.
Now if given the choice to be happy or not? What would you choose?
My Broker
People who depend on brokers to do their stock or shares trading will easily relate to the following. If you haven't noticed I am trying to find the softer side of the Financial Crisis these days. I hate the doom & gloom around. If you do also then try and liven it up a little bit.
What took you so long?
I think all men would have their own episodes to discuss about how they were kept waiting by the women in their lives. Yes, we men dont like being kept waiting. Whether you are taking too long to get ready, too long to get up from a boring social gathering etc etc, we men get frustrated. I know we are unreasonable at most times but just bear us for the sake of the good things that we have :$.
How arrogant was that? Its like the world revolves around us men. I ll leave it there to be the center of debate.
However, I read a great post by BATSTER who narrated "The answer to What took you so long?!" which makes up today's Trackback. I was literally rolling over the floor laughing reading it. Great work and deserves the attention.
How arrogant was that? Its like the world revolves around us men. I ll leave it there to be the center of debate.
However, I read a great post by BATSTER who narrated "The answer to What took you so long?!" which makes up today's Trackback. I was literally rolling over the floor laughing reading it. Great work and deserves the attention.
What Teachers Make
Teachers are one of the most important people that made who we are today. But do we give them that kind of respect that they deserve? I think most of us would say NO to that question.
All it really takes it giving that occasional call. That one line email message. Or best of all, going in person to go and meet them. The sad part is, we find ourselves too "BUSY" to do either of those. A simple thank you does it.
Here is a story to read and find that feeling in you to get in touch with your teachers and pay them their due respect.
Dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
To stress his point he said to another guest, "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"
Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make?"
(She paused for a second, then began...)
"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental. You want to know what I make?"
(She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.)
"I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions. I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't everything. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator. I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know in English while preserving their unique cultural identity. I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe. I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in the United States of America. Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life."
(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)
"Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant... You want to know what I make? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE."
"What do you make Mr. CEO?" His jaw dropped, he went silent.
All it really takes it giving that occasional call. That one line email message. Or best of all, going in person to go and meet them. The sad part is, we find ourselves too "BUSY" to do either of those. A simple thank you does it.
Here is a story to read and find that feeling in you to get in touch with your teachers and pay them their due respect.
Dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
To stress his point he said to another guest, "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"
Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make?"
(She paused for a second, then began...)
"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental. You want to know what I make?"
(She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.)
"I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions. I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't everything. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator. I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know in English while preserving their unique cultural identity. I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe. I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in the United States of America. Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life."
(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)
"Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant... You want to know what I make? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE."
"What do you make Mr. CEO?" His jaw dropped, he went silent.
The One
All our lives we search for that ONE person who could become your partner for life. The person you would want to have a family with. The person you would want to grow old with.
Not a lot of people actually hit the jackpot. But I am not talking about those people. I am talking about me... and my jackpot.
Being the eldest in the family and somehow being a natural introvert, I have always had the fear of interacting with people. Networking and speaking to people was never my best attribute. In fact one of my biggest fears was being in a crowd. I hated crowds or social gatherings.
Amazingly, I compare myself from that time and the new me standing today. Proud and head held high, booming with confidence. Very much of an extrovert and very open to speaking to new people and developing positively on public speaking skills. Where did it come from?
The most amazing change is that I no longer have that fear of crowds. That fear has taken a complete opposite direction and now I am actually afraid of being lonely. Talk about revolutionary changes.
That's what a great partner can do. I am so dependent on her for everything. I am so happy that she is my wife. In her, I have found my everything. A friend, a listener, a confidence booster, an inspiration.
On this great date on which we got married, 4 years ago, I wanted to let the world know that I am crazy about my wife. Happy Anniversary Love. May we have many many more, filled with happiness, joy and pleasure. Aameen.
6th Feb 2009. 4 years and many many more to come... Inshallah:)
Read The Anniversary Post at MAYG & UTP
Not a lot of people actually hit the jackpot. But I am not talking about those people. I am talking about me... and my jackpot.
Being the eldest in the family and somehow being a natural introvert, I have always had the fear of interacting with people. Networking and speaking to people was never my best attribute. In fact one of my biggest fears was being in a crowd. I hated crowds or social gatherings.
Amazingly, I compare myself from that time and the new me standing today. Proud and head held high, booming with confidence. Very much of an extrovert and very open to speaking to new people and developing positively on public speaking skills. Where did it come from?
The most amazing change is that I no longer have that fear of crowds. That fear has taken a complete opposite direction and now I am actually afraid of being lonely. Talk about revolutionary changes.
That's what a great partner can do. I am so dependent on her for everything. I am so happy that she is my wife. In her, I have found my everything. A friend, a listener, a confidence booster, an inspiration.
On this great date on which we got married, 4 years ago, I wanted to let the world know that I am crazy about my wife. Happy Anniversary Love. May we have many many more, filled with happiness, joy and pleasure. Aameen.
6th Feb 2009. 4 years and many many more to come... Inshallah:)
Read The Anniversary Post at MAYG & UTP
Federer Shows Passion
For all the non-fans of tennis, Nadal beat Federer in a great Australian Open Final this last Sunday. You can read the All Sports Fans article on the topic.
But this post is about the Passion that these players play with. A little history. Federer & Nadal are the top 2 players of the world and until last year, Federer was so far ahead of the rest of the players in terms of talent that tennis actually got boring. That is when Nadal found his form and became his No.1 nemesis.
Clay courts have been an un-friendly surface for Federer and getting beaten at the French Open was not that big a deal as losing at Wimbledon later last year. That has been his prized possession and by beating Federer, Nadal tore away an integral part of Federer. That is where the rivalry really picked heat and Nadal has come out good of most match-ups.
That is where this last Sunday's Final held so much weight. Federer looked like back to his best self and I was actually counting on him to gain back his reign at the top and when Nadal beat him in another match that went for 5 sets, Federer couldn't handle it. Look at the following post-match ceremony.
I have never seen Federer cry and he has been so good that the losers haven't really expected to win and hence no tears. But its when such rivalries come in where he was so close and yet so far. Nadal has proven time and again how to stay fit and play long matches while maintaining composure and ensuring top attitude right till the match has been won. Federer and Nadal are passionate tennis players and that's what was brought out in the above video.
Where Federer couldn't handle his emotions when somebody shouted from the Audience "We still love you Federer!!!", Nadal started with his now famous comment, "I am sorry I beat you."
Two great champions and I have the privilege of being in this era and watching some great tennis.
Read more posts on Trackback Thursdays
But this post is about the Passion that these players play with. A little history. Federer & Nadal are the top 2 players of the world and until last year, Federer was so far ahead of the rest of the players in terms of talent that tennis actually got boring. That is when Nadal found his form and became his No.1 nemesis.
Clay courts have been an un-friendly surface for Federer and getting beaten at the French Open was not that big a deal as losing at Wimbledon later last year. That has been his prized possession and by beating Federer, Nadal tore away an integral part of Federer. That is where the rivalry really picked heat and Nadal has come out good of most match-ups.
That is where this last Sunday's Final held so much weight. Federer looked like back to his best self and I was actually counting on him to gain back his reign at the top and when Nadal beat him in another match that went for 5 sets, Federer couldn't handle it. Look at the following post-match ceremony.
I have never seen Federer cry and he has been so good that the losers haven't really expected to win and hence no tears. But its when such rivalries come in where he was so close and yet so far. Nadal has proven time and again how to stay fit and play long matches while maintaining composure and ensuring top attitude right till the match has been won. Federer and Nadal are passionate tennis players and that's what was brought out in the above video.
Where Federer couldn't handle his emotions when somebody shouted from the Audience "We still love you Federer!!!", Nadal started with his now famous comment, "I am sorry I beat you."
Two great champions and I have the privilege of being in this era and watching some great tennis.
Read more posts on Trackback Thursdays
Financial Crisis - Concentrating on The Positives
Motivational Mondays Time...
I know others have written on the topic as well and I think that is the best way to pass away the current doom & gloom surrounding us. Write about the positives, talk about the positives, share links, make it funny. Its quite stressful anyway.
I know its difficult to read a post about the positives of the financial crisis if you have been a victim of it. But the good part is, you are part of the majority. The best thing that I can say to people who have lost their jobs, are in financial stress etc is that "This too shall pass."
Trust me its even more difficult to write. Anyway, here are some positives that need to be mentioned.
As per a recent post by a fellow blogger, customer service has really improved. Banks are now ensuring they retain customers through excellent customer service. That is coming from the strategy most companies have employed.
Quality. Ensure that the quality of the product is maintained. If one looks beyond the recession, those who survive now will have a big market to just come and take over. Whoever ensures that the quality of their product or the experience that the customer enjoys remains intact and to the topmost level, will make up for all the tough times now.
I know this has been repeated again and again but I cant help just saying it once more.
Heheh...I am sorry, just had to put it in the post.
Anyway, do you know that if you are in an investment mode, this is the best time to put it in the right company. All you need to be good at is to find that company that is going to be around and buy that share. Its probable that you will get a huge bargain. Talk about tripling you money. That's a huge positive for people who got cash on them.
For most companies, its about consolidation. Filtering the dirt. Cleaning up the little messes which they couldn't find time to clean in the busy competition around. Now is the time, you find companies optimizing processes, reducing people to an optimum level. This does mean that many people do end up jobless, but what it also means is that if you are good, you can get a job in a place where you will make that difference. That is always good, trust me.
Oh, very important to mention is how companies have started going green. Yes, eco-friendly is the word people. See, green has always made financial sense as it does save cost. The only reason why many companies didn't go for it is that it is beneficial in the long run. With the tight funding and competition not many companies wanted to invest big. They want immediate returns. After finding time to review the benefits in the long run, now seems a good time for that.
Innovation is what will separate the wheat from the chaff, the great companies from the ordinary lot. That is what will be the difference on the other side of the recession. Its not only about survival but "Survival in Style" what counts today.
People have now seen what can happen when the bubble bursts. We had only heard that the bubble will burst some day. Well here it . How much can we borrow? How much? Speculative trading. Man. People now realize that the value of money is much more than the value of credit. The market has undergone the much needed correction.
The question still remains on whether the bottom has been hit, whether we have seen the worst yet. Its very important to stay positive. Its very important to hold on and live through it.
I know others have written on the topic as well and I think that is the best way to pass away the current doom & gloom surrounding us. Write about the positives, talk about the positives, share links, make it funny. Its quite stressful anyway.
I know its difficult to read a post about the positives of the financial crisis if you have been a victim of it. But the good part is, you are part of the majority. The best thing that I can say to people who have lost their jobs, are in financial stress etc is that "This too shall pass."
Trust me its even more difficult to write. Anyway, here are some positives that need to be mentioned.
As per a recent post by a fellow blogger, customer service has really improved. Banks are now ensuring they retain customers through excellent customer service. That is coming from the strategy most companies have employed.
Quality. Ensure that the quality of the product is maintained. If one looks beyond the recession, those who survive now will have a big market to just come and take over. Whoever ensures that the quality of their product or the experience that the customer enjoys remains intact and to the topmost level, will make up for all the tough times now.
I know this has been repeated again and again but I cant help just saying it once more.
"Isn't it amazing that women have not actually started marrying for love?"
Heheh...I am sorry, just had to put it in the post.
Anyway, do you know that if you are in an investment mode, this is the best time to put it in the right company. All you need to be good at is to find that company that is going to be around and buy that share. Its probable that you will get a huge bargain. Talk about tripling you money. That's a huge positive for people who got cash on them.
For most companies, its about consolidation. Filtering the dirt. Cleaning up the little messes which they couldn't find time to clean in the busy competition around. Now is the time, you find companies optimizing processes, reducing people to an optimum level. This does mean that many people do end up jobless, but what it also means is that if you are good, you can get a job in a place where you will make that difference. That is always good, trust me.
Oh, very important to mention is how companies have started going green. Yes, eco-friendly is the word people. See, green has always made financial sense as it does save cost. The only reason why many companies didn't go for it is that it is beneficial in the long run. With the tight funding and competition not many companies wanted to invest big. They want immediate returns. After finding time to review the benefits in the long run, now seems a good time for that.
Innovation is what will separate the wheat from the chaff, the great companies from the ordinary lot. That is what will be the difference on the other side of the recession. Its not only about survival but "Survival in Style" what counts today.
People have now seen what can happen when the bubble bursts. We had only heard that the bubble will burst some day. Well here it . How much can we borrow? How much? Speculative trading. Man. People now realize that the value of money is much more than the value of credit. The market has undergone the much needed correction.
The question still remains on whether the bottom has been hit, whether we have seen the worst yet. Its very important to stay positive. Its very important to hold on and live through it.
"The sun shines on the other side of each night."
This aint over people. I am standing. You are standing. Look around you, there are many people trying to stand up, give them your hand and together we will see this through. Hand in Hand.
Do you know that Google & Microsoft started during a recessionary period? Look where they are now. Fortune magazine was also a revolution, yet again started during a recession. Think about it. If you wake up in the morning, thinking you should own a company, this is the time to get something started. There couldn't be a better time. This is one way of looking at it. The positive way.
Of course you can also stick your head under the ground or go into hibernation. You make the choice. In the words of Captain Planet :P
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