Didnt want to sound CLICHE'd but I am BACK!!!
Finally internet installed at home. It took me 2 months in Dubai to bring focus on this. Lots has happened. Lots developed. I will get into it gradually. For now, I am re-entering the blog world again and getting back in touch with everybody.
It will take some time cleaning up grievances etc, but knowing my charming personality and the big hearts that my fellow blogger friends have....I think I will get back to bloggin' in no time...
The best thing from the blogging perspective in Dubai is that blogspot works...so no inconveniences...accessing...it...
But I am still considering moving....to spaces.msn....lets see...will explore...
before deciding...
DUBAI...its great....I love the job and thats the best part....that was what I was here for so since that is settled...everything seems ok too...I got wife & kid here pretty soon and that solved a lot of the loneliness problem....things felt in place the day they landed at DUBAI airport....
I ll get back to serious bloggin slowly and gradually...and that will ensure the DUBAI stories coming out as well....